Chapter 7

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I was walking with the rest of my pack, slowly falling behind.  My heart was beating faster and faster, not just because I was about to turn, but because I was getting nervous…  I was wanting for this to blow over so I could get Zoey out of my life and to safety.  And what made me more nervous was what the outcome would be if things didn’t go as planned….  Which they never did in these cases.  I forced myself to slow my breathing.

It was rather nippy out and I shivered slightly, cursing and wishing that we could be warm even without us being in form.  Sadly, that wasn’t the case.

Xavier came next to me and handed me a blanket out from his backpack that he always took on the nights when we transitioned.  I took the blanket from his hands and wrapped it around me quickly.  I thanked him.

We walked in silence a few feet.  Then I broke the silence by asking him a question, hoping that the answer would reassure me.  “You ready?” I whispered to him nervously.  “For tonight?”

He nodded and noticed my expression.  “Don’t worry, everything’s going to go well.”

I wish I could say that I believed him, but I just couldn’t.  “Okay.”

 “Do you smell something?” Mason asked loudly all of a sudden.

We all stopped right in our tracks, looking and smelling everything around us, without making a sound.

“Yes,” Kaius said after a minute.  “Don’t. Move.”

We followed his order, and then suddenly I saw the two newest members of our pack; Conner and Max fell to the ground face-down and started twitching violently.  They were becoming werewolves.

 I tried not to run to them as I saw sweat start to roll down their faces and their skin start to pale.  This was Max’s first time and Conner’s second time changing, so it was a slow and scary process.  The more you change, the swifter the transition will be.

Kaius noticed quietly walking towards them and he motioned me to stop.  I stopped.  I started feeling sweat drip from my own neck and my knees started to buckle out from underneath me, I was fighting the urge, I needed to stay in human form just long enough to get Zoey out of here.  After a few times of changing back and forth, I came and stayed human, at least for the moment.  I tilted my neck and felt a pop, luckily I’ve changed so much since I’ve became a wolf, it started to feel painless.

Kaius started cursing profusely.  We all stared at him in wonder.  What was going on?

All of a sudden, I heard a twig snap, heavy breathing and felt cold air on my neck.  I jumped and turned around to face the source.

I turned around, coming face-to-face with Daniel Jackson.  A vampire.

“Hello Klaudia,” He breathed out.

 I glared at him, ready to lash out any moment.  “Hi, Danny.”

He narrowed his eyes, piercing me with his icy blue eyes.  “Don’t call me that.”

 I smirked at his remark.  “Now what would be the fun in that?”

 He hissed, bearing his shark-like canines.

Kaius stepped in front of me, blocking my way, trying to keep me from doing something stupid.

“Hello, Daniel. Where is the rest of your coven?” Kaius said calmly.

 Daniel smirked mockingly.  “Wouldn’t you like to know?”

Kaius held his hands up in surrender. “Just making small talk."

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