The Mission To Reclaim Wall Maria Part 1

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Erens P.O.V

I lunged at Berthold's foot. Armin discussed a plan with us and it stated-

"Eren, in your titan form try and get as close to Berthold as you can and push him, or at least try and make him lose his balance so it gives Conny, Mikasa, Sasha and Jean time to get to Reiner and take him out since he clearly wasn't before despite all our efforts. Then, I'll lunge at Berthold and so you'll have time to seal the gate and slice him out, since the hot mist that he's emitting slowly deteriorates his muscles and leaves the bones behind."

It seemed like a good plan I thought, but boy oh boy was I... wrong. After charging at Berthold and grabbing his foot, I attempted to move him back. It was quite a slow, painful process but it had miraculously worked in the end, which I was very surprised about. My titan form had gotten stronger after the multiple experiments that Hanji conducted on me, labelling me as her 'Titan Baby'. The woman's crazy but gets to the point in the end- she's fit to be a leader.

Jumping to now, I saw Armin glide towards Berthold on his ODM gear and latch himself to the wall. Then, only then did I feel Berthold's eyes on me. The piercing gaze of his brownish-gray eyes and the rows and rows of blunt teeth that could pierce flesh twice as hard as a 5 meter-class. It honestly scared me. I Eren Jeager was scared of a titan three times the size of me, I mean who couldn't be. I suddenly felt the force of the colossal titan's leg rise, gravity pulling me down and me having to hold on for dear life. He swung his leg forward, expelling me into the sky as if I were just a piece of dirt on his over-polished shoe. Honestly, what was I expecting? A pat on the back and instant defeat? No. This was the titan that took many many lives. This was the titan that led to the downfall of Wall Maria. This was the titan that took everything from me, including my family. I felt rage bubble up within me as I screamed at him whilst gliding through the air in top speed as I hit my back on the hard stone, causing it to deform and crumble under my titan weight- that's the only thing I felt.

I'm sure I was pretty unconscious but as I lay sprawled out on top of the wall I stole a glance to see what was going on behind me. I scanned the area before completely collapsing due to the impact. I could see horses and scouts all lined up in neat orders. I scanned the area and found that they were all looking at me, Levi included. Levi. The man I had grown, 'like' wasn't the word and neither was 'not like' it was more of...I couldn't place my finger on it due to the thumping headache I had gotten after clashing with the wall, but the last thing I saw was the horror encased within his beautiful silver molten eyes that had always depicted the sadness, anger and loneliness of his past life which had been trapped right there and then, he was simply beautiful. That was my last thought before completely passing out.

Levi's P.O.V

Erwin. The Commander. My 'friend'(although I hadn't thought of him as one) had just told the Scouting Legion that they would be charging to their deaths, he was batshit crazy. Though I didn't care. I was assigned the role to take out the beast titan by myself and the scouts would be a distraction. Pathetic. I took no glance at the current situation where the scouts were standing and pissing themselves because of what this had come to. Their bratty asses should have know the risks before joining the Scouting Legion. It was simply their own fault. I hadn't taken much attention to what was happening behind the wall because I simply knew that Hanji had it all under control, but I was soon proved wrong when a thumping sound had occurred and everybody had fully turned to see what the commotion was about. Probably just another building being flung by the colossal but as soon as I turned around I saw Eren's titan body atop the wall which had crumbled under his weight.

That brat. I had hated him since day one because of how much he reminded me of Isabel. Damn brat had also been playing with my feelings since day one, probably without intending to, and there as no way to get around them. I detested him with all the force in my body but could still not chuck away the feeling that was rising within my stomach. Affection? No. I haven't felt like that since the day I was born- an accident was all I was. Just the mistake of a stupid action that my mother had committed whilst begin a stripper in the underground. I was just a mistake. But this shitty brat made me feel like I wasn't. He made me feel like I mattered and my life was worth living for, and for that, I hated him.

He laid there, with his eyes open, scanning his surroundings as if he was new to this whole shitty world. His Caribbean eyes landed on mine, which were full of concern and worry. But I just stood there. Looking at him as if the scouts never mattered. I wanted to run to him, to climb the wall and check if he was ok, but that feeling resided deep within my stomach and I just kept it there, because I knew that's where it belonged. He continued looking at me with his longing eyes when suddenly I unconsciously spoke

"Is that Eren?" I questioned, of course it was who else could it be? I mentally cursed myself for my stupidity.

"It appears so" Erwin responded, looking quite concerned about the whole situation.

"What's he doing there?" one of the scouts enquired as they kept on staring at the titan on the deteriorating wall.

I heard multiple mutters from the scouts that were based along the lines of "is he ok?" or "ah were screwed" but deep down I knew that Eren would get back up and fight, because he was that kind of person, but again, I was proved wrong as he slowly closed his eyes and restricted his movement as his arm collapsed to his side. I was horrified. This feeling was new to me, but we had to focus at the task at hand- defeating the beast titan.

I was the first to turn around and kindly remind Erwin by kicking him in the shins to stop screwing around and continue with the mission. He shouted at the scouts who then retreated to their formation and got on their horses. The plan was quite complicated but seemed fine to me- 'all the scouts would immediately charge at the beast titan and fire the green smoke signal once the titan was about to throw another round of boulders. The scouts who got hit would die a respected death but the ones who carried on would send off a smoke signal to prepare for the second round.' As for me? Well, I had to zip along the wall and take out the giant titans one by one to secure my passage to the beast titan and finally kill it off. The plan was a pain but maybe it might be worth it in the end. So as time stopped, Erwin shouted out

"Scouts, this is the final command to reclaim Wall Maria- charge at the beast titan!" He started yelling.

Oh and his yells were sometimes loud and intolerable, but this one, this one was full of hope and justice to succeed in the mission. The scouts started charging and I took my place on the wall and started swiftly zipping towards the line of titans that still couldn't see me- this was certainly going to be


Here we go. The first chapter of my new fanfic. It's going to be long I'll tell you that and it won't be filled with those sappy endings when 'Levi or Eren wakes up and it was all a dream' yeah no, I'd never do that. I'm actually putting all my work into this story so I hope you guys enjoy.

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