The Mission To Reclaim Wall Maria Part 2

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Armin P.O.V

I was speechless, well no sound came out of my mouth so I obviously was, but the whole situation had just been turned upside down like examining if an apple was fresh or not before buying it. I saw Mikasa and the rest of Corporal's squad head towards Reiner as me and Eren began our little task but as soon as the thud occurred, they instantly turned around. I looked over at Mikasa, her eyes full of worry and anger as she looked back at Berthold

"Mikasa" I yelled, "it's fine don't worry he'll be back up on his feet in a minute, focus on Reiner."

She quickly nodded and turned around to continue zipping towards the rest of the squad that was waiting for her. I turned back to look at Eren and before my fight or flight instincts kicked in I decided to lunge myself towards the wall and land on Erens unconscious titan body. A million thoughts went through my head as I started screaming for Eren to wake up but I knew that yelling at a titan to wake up really wasn't my best potion and so only one thing came to my head really allowed me to push myself with the whole 'waking up Eren' thing- I had to stab him through the chest, or at least somewhere that would definitely wake him up. I wasn't sure if it could work or not, but it must have some kind impact for him to at least feel some pain and undoubtedly wake the hell up. So I tried it. I grabbed my sword, walked over to Eren's chest, and stabbed him. I felt the sharp metal object slowly sink into his flesh, sometimes I had wondered how these swords were made for them to be so heatproof- since titan flesh is scorching hot and would be able to melt them in an instant, but that was a subject for another time.

I gently pulled the sword out of my friend's chest and waited impatiently, still eyeing Berthold as he came closer and closer to the wall. 'This isn't good' I thought but as soon as I was about to start yelling at Eren again, I felt a jolt from his body.

"Eren!" I screamed, peering at the titan Caribbean-coloured orbs

"Wake up! We have to stop Berthold!"

He looked at me confusingly but then sat up and nodded to what I had just said and began slowly standing up, only to trip under some loose rock and plummet down to the entrance hole that Reiner had made a while back when him and Berthold attacked Wall Maria. 'This really isn't going to go well' I admitted to myself as I stood there helpless atop the wall, still staring at the colossal titan before me.

Levis P.O.V

Erwin and the scouts finally started their raid, galloping on the horses that they had risked their lives to protect so that they could have something to ride on on the way back, but I had a feeling that there wasn't going to be an 'on the way back', they were simply charging to their deaths having full knowledge that they were going to die, something I couldn't and wasn't intending to help with.

As I climbed the wall further and nearer Eren, I saw Arlert climb atop him and scream something into his hear, or mostly at him, I couldn't quite see. Then, faster than you could say 'ODM' he stabbed him...he stabbed him right there and then through his chest. Was he insane? He could kill the damn brat if he had stabbed him the wrong way- in the head for example. A chill went through my spine as I hung there waiting for Eren to wake up, because I knew that if he didn't, Arlert would have some serious cleaning and punishments to work up from. Killing our Last Hope of saving humanity wasn't the best idea but as soon as I saw, well felt, the wall slightly crumble underneath Eren's weight, I knew that he was alright. I was relieved...relieved? Seriously? The only time I'm ever relived is the feeling of slicing a titans nape like a stick of butter, but I'm never just relieved that a damn titan is alive and breathing right before my eyes. This brat was making my life more and more unbearable.

I quickly discarded the situation and continued slinging myself along the wall to suddenly reach the long line of giant 7 meter-class titans that I had to slay by myself. Not a challenging task but something I also wouldn't like to be doing on my own. There were many of them- I'd probably say 6-7 but that didn't really matter-there was a job to be done and I was going to do it. When I caught the sight of green smoke peering through the blue clouds I knew that hell was about to let loose. The beast titan took a step back as if he were about to hit a home run and flung the now merely crushed boulders at the scouts, knocking them off their horses one by one like a damn bowling game. It really wasn't a pain to see. Millions of others had lost their lives in the exact same way so this was nothing definitely new. When the beast titan had reverted to the position that he was standing in, he eyed the red mist mixed with disgusting rubble and expected all to be over. But that's one thing that never actually happened. More scouts emerged from the mist, all of them still screaming at the top of their lungs-an unbearable sound, and charged at the beast titan once again. Round 2, but that didn't seem to phase them.

I approached the first titan slash, stupid creature, didn't even see me flying at it. I clipped myself onto its shoulder as I wound through the falling body. Next titan, saw me coming and grabbed at me, I took the opportunity to coil myself around its hand and cut it, spilling the wretched blood all over myself as well as my gear. I quickly threw my body at the nape of the titan and double slashed it, causing it to wobble under its own weight and slowly start collapsing and once again I latched my gear onto its shoulders and propelled myself towards the third titan and continued my gruesome journey to kill the beast that may or may not have been awaiting me, 'this really be better worth I' I thought to myself, as the beast titan would have a lot to pay for after we'd captured him for dirtying my uniform and staining my face with the titan-tainted blood.

Erens P.O.V

So I slipped...sure it was a mistake, yeah, but I had just woke up from a concussion caused by me kinda being kicked like a football and being launched 50 feet from the ground so my bad if I was a little bit wary of my surroundings. I fell to the ground where the giant hole had been made by Reiner so I knew that I had to use sealing ability to block it off. Armin said that he'd distract Berthold whilst I did what I had to...but I didn't think it meant clipping himself onto his tooth and swinging for dear life whilst being burned alive. That wasn't part of the plan.

After sealing the hole, Berthold's eyes scanned the area for me, since I slipped he completely forgot about me and focused on getting rid of Armin-but that clearly didn't happen. During his death quest, I lunged myself at Berthold. He forgot that I was in fact human too so I could still use my ODM gear and neatly cut him out of the titan. I lunged at him, seeing the surprise in his eyes as he turned to face me. I swiftly flipped myself with the gear in mid-air and sliced his nape, instantly pulling him out and retreating as the colossal titan fell face forwards. I landed on a nearby roof, still holding Berthold's dismembered body-this was definitely a good thing because it could prevent him from escaping, since he was still unconscious. The next person I had to look for was Armin, I had to tell him that the plan went well and we held Berthold hostage for the time being. I studied the torn houses and half crushed pathways, my eyes scanning over anything and everything just to find Armin but I was absolutely horrified what my eyes landed on next.

I was disgusted and I felt the acidic bile rise from my stomach and up to my throat. There lay Armin...or what was left of him at least...a brownish body, impeccably scorched by the titan mist that Berthold had emitted during our mission, it had no hair and I couldn't hear any breathing. The tissues around his mouth were drawn up high, revealing his always white pearly teeth to now be gray and charred..was...was Armin dead? he couldn't be. All the plans that he thought up always ended well and brought us victory...but this time...this time Armin was dead...but we had Berthold. Was it a fair trade? Definitely not.

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