Saving Him

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Eren p.o.v

As I stomped my way through the other titans that Levi took down (that man is really insane) I noticed the bloodied battlefield, the bodies being scattered around like some measly crumbs dropped from a wrapper that had been thrown off to the side and I couldn't believe that all these men had laid down their lives for an expedition that might have not succeeded- they were truly soldiers. I started to feel tears prickle the sides of my eyes as I continued running.

The nearer I got to the tree, the more I could make out a bloodied figure stumbling around the branches, looking for some kind of escape route, and I immediately picked up my pace.

Levi p.o.v

What the hell was that rumbling noise? The titans are way too light for the ground to be shaking. I turned my head around in confusion as I spotted an Eren running towards me in his stupid Titan form. He's a fucking idiot. Doesn't he understand the situation here? There's about 5 15 meter titans gnawing at my ankles (metaphorically because I was up in a tree and the titans were below me m- I'm saying that they were just in my ass) and this brat has to play the hero and save me. I really didn't ask for this. But part of me felt almost relieved to see that someone actually cared about if I was ok or not.

I remember shouting something at him but the I felt the tree buckle underneath me. Of course it had to be now. The stupid titans wrecked the wood so much that it was simply starting to crack and fall over. I had no more blades left- they were all broken and chipped from slashing the napes of the other titans and I had so little gas left, plus there was no way to cling onto something since the battlefield had been completely cleared out by that beast Titan. So I just stood there and waited for the perfect time to probably hook onto a Titan and try get the hell out of there until I felt a hand grab my waist and pull me from the tree. What the hell?

Eren p.o.v

I saw how troubled Levi was getting- he looked like he was weighing out the options he had left and wondering how the hell to get out of there. I saw him check his swords and the condition that they were in as well as the gas he had left in his cans. I had to first punch a Titan so it could get out of my way so I had clear access to the tilting tree- I was worried for the captain because he had never looked so distressed and as soon as he looked at me I thought that I could see his face soften, despite him being covered in Titan blood as well as the steam that was evaporating off him painfully slow. I grabbed him out of the tree and held him in my enclosed hands, making sure he was fully covered and that nothing could harm him. I knew that putting myself in this position would hinder the titans target greatly but I didn't care much, i had to get the captain to safety even if it meant putting my own at risk.

Levi p.o.v

Idiot. Fucking idiotic brat had the audacity to get his measly Titan hands on me and yank me out of the tree. I was angry that he ensured my safety whilst endangering his and I got real pissed as soon as I saw him closing his palms, so that now I was quite literally encased within his hands. I wobbled over to one of his fingers and started hitting it because what the hell he wasn't allowed to do that

"Oi let me see! You stupid brat you're not allowed to do this to me!" I yelled as I took out my chipped swords and started cutting his fingers.

Despite my broken blades slashing the brats fingers he still didn't let me go.

"To hell with him" I muttered underneath my breath and staggered in his palms as I felt his footing starting to hinder.

I heard chewing sounds and lots of kicking. Is that brat insane? Putting his life on the line for me? I don't need to be saved I want to die a hero. Suddenly, I heard him yell. It sounded so agonising that I had to cover my ears- but that damn kid still kept on moving. What the hell is wrong with him? I can tell why horse face calls him suicidal bastard but I never thought that he would go this far.

Eren p.o.v
It was a quick decision that my brain made- grab Levi and make a dash for it whilst trying to outrun some 15 meter titans nothing too hard. I thought it was quite easy since, I'm me, but I completely forgot about the fact that my Titan form wasn't at its best right now and making this decision seemed to be more than risky. It was fine because it was to save the captain. After grabbing him from out of the tree, I made a dash for it, however the titans soon realised that I had stolen their lunch and now their eyes were on me. They had launched themselves at me, running in their weirdly way and were soon at my tail, one of them was even brave enough to throw itself at my feet and slowly sink its teeth into my leg- which was painful but I quickly kicked it off and started running again, this time limping. However as much as I wanted to accelerate to the wall, which was quite near, I felt something yank my shoulder. Was the Titan turning me around? Had it gained up to me? All thoughts were wiped away as I felt something bite me and a sickening crunch that followed.

I screamed out in pain as I felt warm liquid rush down my arm. God damn it stung- the pain was agonising and I couldn't even move my arm. I think the Titan completely chattered my shoulder but I used my remaining strength to kick it straight in the stomach and send it flying. I quickly got to the wall and opened my palms, that Levi had to so kindly slash before and had shouted something at me but I payed no attention to try and hear him because of the situation we were in before, and I indicated for him to move.

The titans were still following us but I had at least gotten the captain to the wall and had indicated for him to use the remaining gas in his canister to launch himself over it.

Levi p.o.v

As I sat in Erens palms encased in darkness, I felt agonisingly bright light hit my face as he opened his palms. I scanned my surrounding sand noticed that we were near the wall, I saw him nod his head- indicating to the wall as if telling me to climb it. He's a fucking idiot. He doesn't really believe that I'll just leave him there right? The way he put his life on the line really makes me mad because now I have to owe him something for saving me. My mind had been made up- ill attach myself to the wall, launch at Eren, cut him out, grab him and then try to get us both over it. Should be easy, for me at least. So I prepared my gear and I steadied my footing.

Yo. sneps here. I haven't updated this story for a while and I don't even know if anyone's still gonna read it but it's whatever- for me it's a bit of a time consumer and it's what I like doing apart from taking hikes and daily runs or whatever. Thanks for tuning in and reading. I might go a little haywire on the shipping because I don't know- I'm not into it as I was before but it's interesting to see the relationship between Levi and eren go places and stuff. I finished reading aot a while back and I feel like part of my heart has potentially been ripped out. I grew up with the show as well as manga and I can't handle the fact that it's gone now. It's really heartbreaking but all things must come to an end some day. But whatever hope you enjoy the story and I'll try update it soon.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2021 ⏰

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