No. I Don't Wanna Build A Snowman

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WC: 1,740

WARNINGS: Nope, some suggestive language, and over-adorableness

A/N: The second of the prompts i actually managed to get done. I just did a read through so I probably missed something while attempting to edit this. Hopefully I managed okay.

sprite-vodka - PROMPT: Hey, hey, hey, Inky, Snake makes Jund go outside with him to make snowmen the night before Christmas - But it's gotta be, like, the dead of night - And asshole Snake wakes Jund up like an excited child - Then go inside and cuddle with hot chocolate (FLUFF/Humor/SFW)



     Blankets shift.

     “Scott, wake up.”

     Strong hands pushed the lump of sleeping human gently, trying to coax him out of sleep. The form only mumbled incoherencies and Snake grumbled. This was important business, so he cleared his throat and didn't hold back, screw politeness.

     “Bastard, wake up!”

     The once sleeping form shot awake wrestling with the blankets and throwing them off of himself in a panic; trying to figure out what was wrong.  “What, where, what’s wrong, wha-what’s happened?”

     Snake sat up on the bed grinning ear to ear that Scott was finally awake. “Nothing, but now that you’re up, get dressed,”

     “What, no, why?” a sleepy Scott asked rubbing his eyes, heart still hammering away from being frightened awake. “Dude, what time is it, can't this wait? Christmas it tomorrow, we have a shit load of things to do.”

     Snake made a whining sound, “Please Campbell.”

     Scott’s feet hit the cold  hardwood floor with a smack and he sighed, “Seriously, why do I put up with you? I swear to god.”

     Snake brightened at that; happy Scott was willing to play along, “Because you like the way I fuck you” he smirked.

     Scott rolled his eyes and stood. “You’re lucky that’s true because I would not be getting up right now otherwise. Screw that love bullshit, people are too willing to use that as an excuse to have you do shit for them.”

     Snake waited at the door watching Scott get dressed from his previously nude state. “Are you saying that’s not at least part of the reason why you're getting up right now?”

     Scott started to pull on jeans and a shirt but Snake gestured that he need to dress warmer and put his boots on. “Nope, just the sex, that’s definitely it. Has to be the way you do that one thing with your tongue, because man, it may feel like love, but it’s just sinful.”

     The older man laughed and shrugged off the purr he heard in Jund’s voice, throwing  a pillow at him instead. “Fuck off. Your lies do no good here.”

     “Then don't ask stupid questions.”

     Snake's cheek heated up a tad and he led Jund from the room so they could get on their coats.

     Jund pulled the winter coat on and the gloves that Snake tossed to him. “Are we really doing this? At what,” he said glancing over at the time on the cable box, “three in the damn morning, Jesus Snake.”

     “Oh come on, you big baby,” It’ll be fun, it’s Christmas. No, Christmas is in the morning, you know, when I’ve had more than an hour and a half of sleep.”

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