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"Wake up Meme!" Atticus yells.

"Leave me alone Atty!" I groan pulling my blanket over my head.

"You know the rules! You have to attend at least one training session a day." He says grinning as he removes my covering.

"I could do the mid day one!" I yell sitting up.

"Nope Matthias and I agree you need help getting up and we can't let our little sister get lazy!" He says.

"I'm not lazy! I just hate training... ok I'm up now so get out!" I tell him.

"You have ten minutes or I'm dragging you out... and I know you don't want to train in your teenage mutant ninja turtles PJs... talk about embarrassing!" He laughs.

"Get out Atty!" I yell throwing a pillow at him as he scurries out. I get dressed and head to the training field.

We go through the normal training. Running and warmups. Then we reach sparing practice.

"Get over here Atticus!" I yell to my brother.

"What runt!?" He says running up to me.

"You called me lazy! Time to step up bro!" I challenge him taking my stance.

"Come on Meme! We don't have to do this." He backs away.

I charge at him landing a punch to the jaw. He staggers backwards.

"Seriously!?" He yells and I go after him again.

We fight hard eventually I have him pinned with a hand to the throat.

"I'm not lazy Atty... and you suck!" I tell him letting him up.

"I'll get you next time!" He yells

"You haven't beaten me in over a year, Atticus. It's not gonna happen." I laugh at him.

"Alright you two knock it off!" Matthias calls walking up to us. "Come on Atticus dad wants us in his office. Some Alpha is coming today."

"Cool let's go." I say.

"He said me and Atty... sorry sis." Matthias tells me and my brothers walk off.

Now you see I'm used to being left out. I am the youngest after all, but I'm also sneaky. I found out about the time I turned eight that the ventilation system makes a great transportation system.

I run upstairs and into a closet. Sliding open a vent I dive in. I've spent years mapping this out so I know the most direct route to the office. I slide along the cold metal until I reach my destination.

"Hello Ronald... what brings you here?" My father asks.

I see a older man and a guy about my age sitting across from my father at his desk.

"Well, Alpha King, as you know many wolves have died in recent years... People have been returning to arranging Mates rather than waiting for them. My grandson here will prove himself Alpha in a few months so we are in the process of finding him a Luna." The older man, Ronald, says.

"Good for you... why have you come to me?" Dad asks.

"You have a daughter that would make a strong Mate for him... we could secure an alliance. Plus you can't hope for better than an Alpha as a mate for her." Ronald suggests.

I can't believe it! I've always wanted my true mate! I won't do it! How could they ask that?

"Can the boy speak for himself or only hide behind your coat tails?" Dad asks.

"Speak up." Ronald tells the young guy.

"I can speak, sir." He responds.

"What's your name pup?" Dad asks.

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