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From this point on this book lines up with the book Titan chapter for chapter starting part way through chapter 6


Suddenly a growl rips through the hall and I turn to see him. My mystery wolf and he charges at me.

Bane pushes me behind him in an effort to protect me. He obviously doesn't realize the wolf in front of him is a killing machine and my mate. His actions seem to make the mystery wolf even more angry as he tackles Bane and begins beating him bloody.

"Titan!" Dad yells at him. Titan... it's a strong name but it doesn't feel quite right. He jumps up and pulls me into his chest. "Let her go boy." Dad says and I can feel his growl shake my chest as he holds me tight.

"Mine!" Titan growls dipping his head to my neck and breathing deeply.

"Come on Meme." Dad says holding his hand out to me. He looks worried. Will Titan hurt me? I thought mates couldn't hurt each other? Titan pulls me tighter to him. "Titan! Let her go! You're hurting her!" As soon as dad says that I feel Titan loosen his grip slightly. I turn so that I can look up at him and place my hand on his face forcing him to focus on me instead of my dad. When he finally looks in my eyes he seems worried.

"I'm ok." I whisper trying to calm him... "you can let me go." He growls again and seems to panic at the thought of losing me.

"Mine!" Titan says. Dad tries to reach for me. When Titan sees his movement he pulls me away from my dad and growls again "Mine!" He says desperately trying to keep me close to him.

"He's my dad, Titan... he won't hurt me." I try to soothe the beast. I don't really want to let him go but I know if this goes on much longer Titan will get hurt.

"Mine!" He growls softly, nuzzling his nose into my neck.

"Yours." I whisper pulling away so I can hold his face. "But I need to go to my dad right now... please Titan." I beg him. He looks over to my dad who is still holding out his hand expectantly then looks back to me. With a nod he let's me go and I take my dad's hand.

"Take him!" Dad commands as he pulls me away. Many men tackle Titan to the ground.

"Be careful!" I yell but I doubt I'm heard over my mate's growling.

"Come along Emily." Dad says pulling me away.

He drags me to his office and closes the door.

"He's your mate." Dad states.

"Yes." I respond.

"How long have you known?" He asks.

"Just today." I answer.

"So you haven't seen him before today?" He asks.

"Define seen." I say looking anywhere but my father's face.

"Emily." He growls.

"The vents are useful things." I mumble and he growls. "But I never entered the infirmary. I was curious about him but my wolf didn't confirm it until today."

"What about Bane?" He asks.

"I told him about my mate right before he was beaten by him... is Bane okay?" I ask.

"He's a strong Alpha. He will be fine... I don't want you around Titan." He tells me.

"You can't do that! He's my mate!" I yell.

"And I'm your father and King!" Dad growls. "Go to your room now!" I huff and run upstairs to my bedroom slamming the door. Moments later I hear a knock.

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