Chapter 22

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Our eyes widened as the recognition floated across both of our faces. My stomach felt heavy and I opened my mouth to speak.

"You," I said darkly, trying to mask the fear in my voice. This was probably the last thing I needed. Another person trying to kill me or kidnap me or whatever they wanted from me.

"Catarina," his voice was surprisingly gentle. His eyebrows furrowed in confusion, as if he couldn't believe what he was saying. I needed to get out of here. Maybe if I just pushed past, he'd let me go. It was a long shot, but it's not like I had any other choices. I set my sights on the steps behind him.

"I'll just be on my way," I said as I pushed past him. I was stopped when his hand encircled my wrist and he pulled me back. I was placed in front of his line of sight as he looked down at me disapprovingly. I glared at him, putting on a fierce face, hoping to draw him away from sensing the dread that held me in its grip.

"What are you doing here," he said, waiting for an explanation. I felt like a petulant child being scolded and being demanded an answer from.

"Oh sure, you don't know why I'm here even thoug you sent your henchman to kidnap me," I spat out, trying to pull away. His grip was steadfast and he narrowed those cold grey eyes.

"What in Godess' name are you talking about?" Anger was settling into his voice. Not full fledged, but not something I wanted to play with either. He was enough of a menace when he was level headed, I didn't need to go and provoke the monster. The rational part of me tried to reason with me, but my hotheadedness won.

"You have been trying to kill me from the start, well what are you waiting for. I can't run. I know you'll best me. So just do it," I shoved at him, to no avail. I suddenly regretted my words, knowing very well they could be my last.

"Who did this to you," the Commander's long fingers found my chin and tilted my face upwards as he examined my neck. My hands went to my neck and made contact with tender skin. My captor had left his mark when he had strangled me, there were likely bruises encircling my neck.

"Your henchman," I growled as I pulled away from his touch.

"If I wanted you dead, you would be long gone," he said and turned his head as the door to the alehouse was thrown open.

"I'm looking for a girl," an eerily familiar voice shouted.

"Ain't we all," someone slurred. Alarm bells went off in my head as I recognized the voice. My attacker.

"I'm looking for the owner of this necklace, I know you're here. I found my horse," the man yelled once more. My hand went to my throat, where my necklace was absent. The newcomer must have been my captor. The Commander's eyes scoured my face and read my expression.

"Is that the henchman who kidnapped you?" I nodded. Fear seized my tongue, incapacitating my speech capabilities. "Get to the window and climb down. I'll take care of him and meet you outside." I hated to think of the fate that was about to befall my captor. The Commander pushed past me as he deposited a key in my palm. I unlocked the door to his room and locked it behind me as I got to the window. The window let out onto the roof.

With a few heaves, I was able to open the window and I climbed out on my hands and knees. With my body hunkered down, I inched my way to the edge and stayed hidden until I heard the sound of horses hooves. The Commander appeared below me on a horse.

"Come on," he raised a hand for me to take and he guided me to a seated position between his thighs. "Hold on tight." I was only given a matter of seconds before he dug his heel into the horse's flank, sending us flying into the forest. After a short breaking sprint, he slowed the horse.

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