Don't let the ball touch the ground

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You came back to your senses when your brother called you from the gymnasium.
Everyone was inside, while you were still standing in the hallway. The lights were really bright as if shadows don't even exist in the sports complex.
The boys lined up inside according to their schools while you stare at each and every one. Their faces all looked just like your competitors in figure skating, but they looked happier.
"You'll be staying here for two weeks to practice and train with the guidance of the best players in the history of volleyball."
Coach William was wearing his straight face once again. You remembered when he showed that to you too when you were just about to start figure skating. He's a great coach, not only in volleyball but also in other sports and he's been one of your favorites ever since.
"[Y/N] will be joining us, " he mentioned as you silently walk to your family, trying to avoid any attention.
You felt everyone's gaze on you. They started whispering at each other while you looked away.
Coach William and your parents noticed your weird behavior. Usually, you'd walk proudly when you're introduced, but now, you're hiding under your skin.
"She's [parents' name]'s daughter. A senior figure skater, who won multiple awards internationally. Her brother, Shin, who you may also know will be with us too."
You ran to your brother and hid behind his back while you're cursing yourself because of your action. You're not you.
"Is something wrong?"
Your parents asked you while everyone was preparing for a warm-up. Coach William never wastes time, he immediately grouped everyone according to their position in their teams and will make them work together.
"I just feel weird."
You held your arm and walked with your parents from the room you were going to stay in for the next two weeks. They also handed you the key to the skating rink if ever you want to practice.
"This is the first time she's been with us, right? All this time, you were out skating."
Your mother wrapped her hand around your shoulder and squeezed you tightly. You can smell her sweet perfume against your skin when she held you. She's right. This is the first time you went with them in training camps, you can't mess this up.
Whatever you were feeling should be removed. You have to have fun.
"Don't worry. I was just a bit dizzy from the long drive."
You smiled at them and hopped before them. You saw your brother talking to the raven boy who Trashykawa was glaring at earlier.
Surprisingly, Trashykawa was grouped with him along with Tsukishima and the bedhead guy and a little tangerine boy.
"Shin!" You called as you jumped beside him.
Everyone in the grouped looked at you as they do their stretching. You don't know any of them aside from Trashykawa and Tsukishima, or their positions in their teams so you don't know if this group is a good one.
"[Y/N], are you okay now?" Shin asked you as he shifts his eyes with his hand resting on his hip.
You nodded, but you can't keep your eyes off Oikawa who was staring at you with a smile on his face.
"What is it?" You asked, a bit irritated with the way that his lips were curved, as if he's trying to flirt with you.
"[Y/N], don't be rude to Oikawa-san. He's just trying to be nice."
Your brother wrinkled forehead at you.
"Oh, so it's Oikawa, not Shittykawa or Trashykawa." You whispered to yourself, but Oikawa heard you and he pouted.
Everyone laughed but your brother looked displeased. Oikawa wrinkles his face with a pout that you find kind of cute.
"Don't listen to Iwa-chan, [Y/N]-chan. He's always mean."
You can't help but giggle with how he calls his friend's name. It's adorable.
"Oikawa-san's mother watches your competitions in T.V, [Y/N]. That's why he knows you, " Shin said.
You smiled when you heard that, so that's why he smiled at you earlier. He knows you because of his mom. Aw.
"By the way, this is Kageyama Tobio, Tsukishima Kei, Hinata Shouyou, and Tetsurou Kuuro, and Koutarou Bokuto."
You saw a spiky white-grey haired guy running towards the team as Shin introduces them.
Now that you know their names, you flashed the usual smile you give to your fans and bowed, making everyone show a hint of redness on their cheeks, while your brother just watches you be your usual self.
"Nice to meet you, I am [Y/N]."
You saw their flustered faces which made you look away in embarrassment.
"By the way, [Y/N]-san, what happened earlier?" Hinata asked with his round cheerful eyes staring at you.
You scratched your cheeks and looked away from Shin.
"I was trying to run away from everyone and get here first, " you murmured.
"That's why, huh?" Shin raised his right brow at you, and then suddenly, he took one volleyball and tossed it to you. "Why don't you help the boys practice as a punishment?"
Before you knew it, you tossing to sens the ball to the other side of the net, while the group of players was on their feet with a serious look on their face.
"Just do a service, " your brother shouted from the bench while the other players were watching.
After a few rounds, you'll also have to help the other groups.
"Just toss the ball to them, [Y/N]! But do it with effort because they're really good at receiving, okay? Do it just like how we show you." Your father cheered.
You rolled your eyes, "This is not what I sighed up for!"
"I can do it, Coach [family name], " a black-haired girl with glasses went to your father.
You beamed a smile in hopes that you'll be saved, but your father shook his head, "It's her punishment."
You groaned and positioned yourself.
Oikawa smiled at you, while Hinata gave you a cheering nod.
"Whatever, " you whispered and did a service just like how your parents and brother did.
But of course, it didn't even reach the other side of the net.
You can hear your brother suppressing his laughter, but everyone else we're quiet, waiting for your another shot.
"They're the ones who're supposed to be practicing, not me."
You took a deep breath after whispering. Focused on the ball, and strengthen your arms.
If you hit it, hit it to your target.
This may sound too delusional for someone who never did a service before, but you were trying to aim at Tsukishima who looks too relaxed. He knows you won't be able to hit it right.
You imaged the ball as your feet, it has to land perfectly on ice.
You toss the ball up and jumped, timing the landing of the ball to your hands, you raised your arm and hit the ball with all your might to the direction of Tsukishima then baam!
You landed on your feet perfectly just like you always do, then you heard the ball being received by Tsukishima.
When you saw that Hinata was about to hit it back, you ran to the court, while repeating what you always knew about the game, don't let the ball touch the ground.
Luckily, Hinata did not hit the ball too hard, or else you would've winced in pain. You received it well and made it go to the other side.
You can see that the boys were being soft on you, you know those strong arms can break yours if they hit it hard.
When you had the ball, you toss it high up in the air, then you jumped.
"Alright!" You heard Coach William's whistle and everyone stopped.
But you already hit the ball, and it landed straight to Kageyama's face.
The silence succumbed the whole sports complex.
Kageyama took a few steps backward when his face received the ball, while Hinata was just frozen in this position. He knew what will happen, it happened to him before.
"Kageyama-san!" You yelled and ran towards the raven boy.
"Oh, no..." You whimpered, you can feel the pain on your face too, and suddenly your eyes started to tear up. You feel so bad and sorry for Kageyama.
Kageyama's right hand was covering his red face, you held it softly and pulled it away from his face.
"I am so sorry, Kageyama-san. Please be alright. I am really sorry. I didn't mean to hit you." You whispered as you hold his cheek and his right hand.
"I am so sorry."
You repeated. You can feel the stingy pain on your cheeks as you caress Kageyama's. You don't know how or why, but whenever someone is crying or in pain, you can feel it too in a very strange level.
Kageyama's face was red due to the hit, but not until you held his hand and his cheek. Your teary eyes we're so shiny, and your voice was so soft.
He can't help but be in awe of your appearance. You're so beautiful, he thought.
Oikawa noticed the change in Kageyama's reaction, that's why he pulled you away from Kageyama and consoled the junior himself.
"You're fine, right? You're the king, you wouldn't get hurt." Oikawa pats Kageyama's head as he suppresses his anger.
If getting hit on the face was the thing that will get your attention, he should've offered his pretty face earlier.
"Please, don't get angry, " you plead as you stare at Kageyama.
"Don't worry about it, " Kageyama smiled at you with sweat dripping from his forehead.
Now you really have outdone yourself.

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