Chapter XXXIV: April 1461

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Chapter XXXIV: April 1461 

Grafton, Northamptonshire, England

"Has the battle has been fought?"

"Who has won?"

"How long should it take for a messenger to come by?"

"Elizabeth, please," Anne finally says, leaning over to seize my hand, "Quit torturing yourself." She looks at me with half-opened lids, for I have been sitting in our shared bedchamber wondering aloud. I look at her guiltily for rousing her in the small hours of the morning- the first morning of April now- All Fools' Day. Deep down, she is just as worried as I am about the ongoing conflict, and it is unfair that I should show the younger girl my fears, when I should be looking after and consoling her.

"I cannot Anne, I cannot. I am sorry," I sigh. I have not slept one full night since Edward- oh that fiend!- came to me. I would hate for him to be killed and for the York cause to die with him, but what of Anthony? He cannot die either. He is my husband- I married him, not Edward, and I love Anthony. Forget the allure of becoming wealthy and favoured at court, I want us to grow into our dotage together with our children, with a quiet country baronage. All I desire is he, even battle-scarred. I would not really want to be a Duchess. I push aside thoughts of Anthony tragically dying, and Edward coming to claim me as his wife, his Queen, having triumphed against his enemy, as I chastise myself. I have a lovely homestead here at Grafton. I can start a proper, stable family. When Anthony returns.

"Elizabeth, try to rest." Anne's eyes look into mine, and I concede, lying down. My last thought is if King Henry shall fight, be slain in battle, or flee from it, before sleep evades me.

It seems not long after that Anne is frantically shaking my shoulders. Her eyes are widened and ablaze.

"Anne, what-"

"À York! À York! Edward the fourth, King Edward of York!" I blink, sitting up in bed and staring out the window. I let out shaky gasps, my chest convulsing at the acclaim outside by the country people.

"They have won?" I manage to choke out. Edward- Edward has- has won? York triumphs? The rightful monarch? Why else would these people cheer? This is the moment so many of us dreamed, to know that the righteous action has been done. How the late Duke would have loved to see this moment! My throat becomes quite parched as I blink, swaying a little. I reel, for it is never too early for politics now, and in a moment, I realise how our fortunes have been reversed. I glance at Anne's thin-set countenance, for we are Lancastrian. We shall be very out of favour, us Wydevilles, as some of the closest intimates of the now deposed Lancasters, as were my own Mother and Father. My Father died in vain for a lost cause. I think even when he hindered all the Cade rebels nigh ten years gone, his cause was lost then. How they might be glad never to see this day come, when York ascends. For they would be traitors, as am I. In a second, I am a traitor to crown and monarch. My word.

"What- what?" My lips are dry as I slide out of my bed, reaching for yesterday's garments.

"The King and Queen have fled. York won the battle, he has been proclaimed King." Anne says, almost breathlessly.

"You did not hear any other news?" I draw in my breath, fumbling in the half-light with my shaking fingers, as I throw on my gown. She swallows, shaking her head.

"We must venture outside to find a messenger. We have to know more." I eye her seriously.

Some of the children are already awake, and Anne tells them to look after themselves and remain inside the manor as we run out of it, hearts pounding, and into the street. The sun, the sun in splendour, the York sun, and the omen we saw that day, is ripe in the sky; the grass is dewy, and the air fresh, and the small Yorkist faction of villagers are singing. Everything shall change now- a new reign to this kingdom. I press some coins into a passing lad's hand, and impress upon him with some urgency to find the messenger who brought the news to the village and to bring him to us.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2020 ⏰

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