Final part! - Sequel?

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It was the new Anxiety.
Patton's POV

  We all ran to give him a hug. He looked so much like Virgil, the eyeshadow, the scrawny figure. I take him by the hand. "Hey kiddo. My name is Patton, I'm our hosts Morality. That's Logan, he's logic." I make a gesture to Logan. "And that's Roman." I point to Roman.

   "H-Hi I'm an-" I cut him off "Anxiety. We know. I bet you're wondering why you're here." I say, with tears in my eyes.  "I wasn't supposed to get my host for a year." He says.

   "'re here because..." I sigh.  "Our anxiety..didn't make it. We were rude to him and abusive, and he...took his own life." The new Anxiety gasps, and steps back a bit.

   "But we won't do that to you! We're gonna prevent that, we've learned our lesson. These jackets we have, our anxiety used to wear. We miss him, and we won't let you do as he did."

  The new Anxiety softens. "I'm so sorry for your loss..what was his name?" I smile a bit. "Virgil, his name was Virgil. He was one of the kindest people we've ever met." I look back down to the new one. "Do you have a name?"

   He mumbles something. "What?" "V-Vinny.." he says. I let my tears spill out, it's so close to Virgil. "Well Vinny, we're gonna do everything we can to make you feel welcome here. How old are you?"

   "Fourteen.." I knew he looked young! "Roman is 23, I'm 22, and Logan is 20. Virgil was 19." Vinny looked at me and smiled a bit. "Darn it, I'm the youngest by far." We all chuckled.

   -Two month time skip brought to you by panicking at the everywhere-

   Vinny's POV
   It's been about two months since I came. We moved things around to prevent me being alone. I got to be roommates with the one named Patton. I like him a lot.
   Logan and Roman shared a room, I like them too. My 15th birthday was last week, and we had the biggest birthday party ever. I was so grateful when I got a picture of Virgil, I was dying too know what he looked like.

I don't have access to any sharp objects other than when I'm cooking, and the others regularly check up on me. I'm glad to see they're trying to be better. They really don't want me to end up like Virgil.

   A piece of wood hangs in Roman and Logans room, it says "Roman loves Emo" Roman told me it was from his childhood, before he was bad to Virgil.

   I'm so glad to be here, I know they would never hurt me, and that I'll be okay.

   But..I know something they don't. I already met Virgil. We were in the room together when he died. He picked me to go through to his other sides. I don't know why, but he picked me.

   Although, I didn't get to see what he looked like, he had his hood up. I know it was him, because he said "Vinny, I want you to replace me. My friends'll love you." So it was definitely him.

   I see videos all the time of the sides and Virgil and kids, and I never really understood why they stopped being friends. Until they showed me a video of...Roman.

   Roman hurting Virgil. It appeared to be recorded by Logan, who was holding back Patton. "Stop it! He's only ten!" He cried. Logan hushed him. Roman was going on and on about "You stupid dark side! You are useless! You'll never be one of us!" He punched and kicked Virgil. Virgil screamed in pain, he was crying and begging. "LOGAN! PATTON?! HELP!" Roman kept beating him until he spit blood all over the carpet, and passed out. Roman looked shocked, but he just walked away. From what I know, Roman was four years older than Virgil, meaning he was 14, judging by Patton yelling 'He's ten!' he was probably a lot stronger, which explains why Virgil was coughing up blood.

   Roman looked at me and pointed to the video. "I was a horrible person. I learned my lesson, I miss him so much. I would never, ever, ever do that to you. I promise." I could see the tears in his eyes. I ran to him and have him a hug, and the others came and joined us.

   -Four month time skip brought to you by Totino's hot pizza rolls-

   Logan's POV

   It was sixth months today that Virgil took his own life. It was also his birthday. He would have been 20. His room hasn't changed at all, except there is no longer a body in there. Even his headphones across his desk, his shoes thrown across the floor.

  All still there. All of us go in there, and we sit down on the floor. We place flowers, gifts, etc on the carpet.

   "Hey kiddo." Begins Patton. "Happy birthday. I really miss you. This is Vinny!" He gestures to him. "We took your word, we're gonna be better. I'm sorry you ended up that way..I wish there was something I could have done to help you..." He looks at Roman, who's sitting on his right.

   "Uhm.. H-Hi Virgil. Im so sorry. I never thought I would do this to you. If only it could be the five of us. Me, you, Patton, Logan, and Vinny. I think you two would get along well, both being Anxiety. If you came back, you wouldn't be the youngest. I'd be nice! I just..I miss you.. so much." He then turns to me, the right of him.

   "Happy birthday, Virgil. Thank you for the best 15 years of my life. I never noticed how amazing you were, and I will not take Vinny for granted. I miss you so much, and to say I didn't would be a falsehood. I am truly sorry for being such a horrible friend, and I hope you are having a better life." I look at Vinny, the final in the row.

"Happy birthday, I never really got to meet you. I've heard great things from the others, and I'm glad I'm going to get to live up to you. The others really miss you, I know that. They're not gonna let me turn out like you. Sometimes when we talk about you, I think 'Man, I wish I could meet him.' So, yeah. I guess that's it."

          Then we hear a voice

         One that's very familiar.

   "Hey kid, still wanna meet me?"

   I turn around, so do the others. We all cry the same word.


Holy smokes this took forever, haha! -Evan


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