• 0 1 | strange encounters •

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🎼Listen to To Die For by Sam Smith for this chapter.
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It was quite chilly this morning, and the long sleeved turtleneck wasn't much protection. But that wasn't my problem. I had to review my essay that was due this morning for any mistakes. I planned on doing it at the cafe nearby.

I walked into the small cafe on the sidewalk. It was half empty, with most of it customers ranging from teenagers to middle aged people. A woman was in a corner, her hair in a messy bun, as three hyperactive kids bounced around her. A teenage girl with the coolest shirt I'd ever seen and a flower crown on her head was on the phone. A boy with dyed blue hair was laughing with a redhead who had a lone flower tattoo crawling up her neck. Two boys and a girl, probably 14 year olds, were having a conversation.

I got my coffee - caramel frappucino, and sat in a booth in the corner, as I reviewed my essay. I needed it to be flawless.

The door jingled as someone walked in. My curious self looked up to see a boy about my age with long, curly dark hair and very dark eyes walk in. He looked Italian maybe, wearing a thin black hoodie and carrying a bag and a guitar.

He looked around and went to the counter to make his order. He looked nervous, maybe he was a fugitive who was getting a small meal before he continues on the run. Gah! I let my imagination run too wild sometimes.

I focused back on my work and took a sip of my coffee. It felt perfect, everything was in utmost normalcy.
The blue haired boy made an obnoxiously loud sound, which elicited a series of stares and a slap on his head from his friend. I laughed to myself and continued my work.

The dark haired boy was in the farthest corner of the room, eating a bagel greedily. Strange guy.

Suddenly, I heard someone clear their throat in front of me. The blue haired guy was sitting in front of me with a goofy grin.

"Uh, hi?" I said.

"Hi. I'm Adam."

"Uh, I'm Minerva."

"So, Minerva, my friend over there thinks doritos are better than pringles. What do you think?"

I looked over at his friend who just had a lazy smile on her face.

"Well, personally I prefer pringles."

"Yeah me too! Lauren is one of those weirdos who prefer doritos."

I gave a small laugh and Adam smiled, his smile reaching his blue eyes.

"Thank you for picking Pringles over Doritos Minerva. You're one of the greats."

I laughed again.

"So can I get your number? Maybe we can be friends?" He said, singing the last part.

"Sure," I said with a small laugh. I scribbled my number on a post it note and handed it to him.

"Thanks Minerva. Bye!" He said while heading back to his table.

I like this guy.

I looked at the time and I was quite late, so I packed up my stuff and got going. Adam waved to me from his chair and I waved back, his friend laughing. I walked out the door and into the cold air, and continued on my way.

I'd walked not quite far when I realized I left my scarf. I walked briskly back to the cafe, my eyes still on my phone. But I probably shouldn't have done that, because I walked right into someone, spilling what appeared to be coffee and bagels on the floor.

"Oh my God! I am so sorry!" I exclaimed.

The boy I had bumped into wasn't even looking at me, his eyes were trained on the floor with his jaw ticking.

It was the weird dark haired boy from the cafe.

"Are you okay? I'm so sorry. I should have been looking where I was going. I'm such an idiot," I said.

He looked up at me and pulled a smile - a fake one.

"It's fine," he said.

Now I felt horrible. I couldn't just let him go like that. I rummaged through my bag for some money. The ice cream I was planning on getting could wait.

"Here," I said, handing himself fifty dollar bill. His eyes grew wide and he shook his head furiously, his long black curls bouncing around.

"I- I can't take this," he said.

"Please. It's the least I could do," I persisted, stretching out my hand. He reluctantly collected it with a small smile.

"Thank you," he said.

"Once again I'm very sorry," I said with a smile.

I continued down the street and looked back to see the boy staring at the bill in his hands.

I, on the other hand still felt terrible. I gave him fifty dollars. Wow. At least it would compensate for his meal that I oh so gracefully ruined.

Well, the essay would be finished at school. I'm not planning on walking into anyone any time soon.

I thought back to my car who gave up on me this morning, the reason for me walking to my friend, Reid's house to hitch a ride.

The old thing gave up on me this morning after many unsuccessful attempts to get it to come around. Now I have to deal with Reid's relentless taunting about how bad my car is. It may not be a mercedes but it was still my baby.

I continued down the side walk and across the street, the cold air biting at my face as my mind went back to the dark haired boy.

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Hi and welcome to a long way from home. The first chapter is here! The beginning of a whirlwind of adventure. I hope you enjoy the book and though some of the chapters are unedited, I promise they'll be interesting.

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