• 0 2 | grateful heart •

13 1 0

Listen to Welcome to the Black Parade by My Chemical Romance for this chapter.


I woke up to a dog barking at me. My eyelids fluttered open to see some lady texting away on her phone while her dog barked at me.

My back was hurting. Sleeping on a park bench had its downsides. It was chilly this morning, and I'd never been more grateful my thin hoodie.

The woman with the dog had left, and I sighed. I was tired. I rummaged my small change I'd made from guitar performances and stared at it. It would probably get me through breakfast, some of which I'd save for later.

My guitar was my most prized possesion. It was what helped me get by. I washed my face with the little remainder of bottled water in my bag and I tucked my hair behind my ear.

I stood up, brushed away any dirt on me and carried my bag - I didn't want anyone stealing it. The first time I got something stolen from me, I cried. Like full blown snot dribbling cries. I was still a little kid on the inside. I was 22, with no home. So I was allowed to cry.

I slung my guitar over my back and headed to the small cafe nearby. I looked okay, I guess. But my jeans were kinda rough.

I walked into the cafe and scanned around. Average people. I walked to the counter and made my order - plain coffee and some bagels - some of which I'd save for later.

The guy at the counter gave me a once-over and quirked his brow. A guy with a camping bag and a guitar slung over his shoulder in a cafe on a Monday morning. Weird, I know.

I placed the crumpled bills on the counter. He took them and handed my food.

I took them and sat in the furthest corner of the room. I dug in immediately and my taste buds were awakened. I was ravenously hungry. I could have finished everything right there, but I needed to save some for later. What I would do for three big macs right now...

A boy with blue hair made a loud sound and my eyes flicked over to him. He looked happy, even though the girl beside just smacked his head.

For a moment I wished I was there instead, in warmer clothes and a bigger meal.

Blue haired boy left to a blonde girl's seat. She was concentrated, her eyes flitting over her phone and book earnestly. She looked surprised when he sat across her with a smile on his face.

I looked away from them and stared at the remainder of food on my plate. I didn't want to leave the cafe, it was warm and the seats were soft. But they'd probably kick me out if I stayed too long.

The blonde girl had left, and I decided I should also probably leave. I headed to the counter to ask for a takeaway container.

It was mid morning, and if I played enough, I make enough for lunch. I headed out side, back to the chilly air.

Suddenly someone bumped into me and spilled all my food on the floor. I felt like I was going to cry. If I didn't have any dignity, I'd eat them right of the floor.

The person was talking - it was a girl's voice - but I didn't hear anything. All my food was on the floor.

"Are you okay? I should have been watching where I was going. I'm a total idiot!"

I looked up to see the blonde girl from the cafe. She was beautiful - green eyes, a small pointed nose and small pink lips. She had an extra piercing on her ear, which i weirdly liked.

I donned on a smile. "It's okay."

She looked guilty and rummaged through her bag.

"Here," she said, handing me a fifty dollars bill. My eyes were probably a big as saucers as I shook my head.

"I can't take this."

"Please. It's the least I could do."

I collected the money from her, still in shock. She apologized once again and continued down the street.

Fifty dollars. She gave me fifty dollars. I'm probably dreaming. I've been standing in the same spot for five minutes.

I have a fifty dollar bill in my hand.

I snap out of my dazed state and walked back to the cafe.

I walk in and listen to the jingle made by opening the door. The cashier looked at me with a weird look. I just left, I know.

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