• 0 3 | late night melodies •

12 1 0

Listen to The Only Exception by Paramore for this chapter.


Reid didn't let me hear the half of it. He poked fun at my car till he was satisfied. Then after classes he came over to see what was wrong with it. Which is why he was currently here tweaking and poking at my car.

"You know Minnie, if it wasn't for my awesomeness, your wouldn't have been saved."

"Oh shut up. But thanks anyways."

"No problem, Nerva."

"Are you coming in? I made lasagna."

"Heck yeah."

We walked into the apartment building and entered the elevator.

There was a middle aged woman on the phone, a thirty something year old man and a teenager.

The woman was yapping angrily about how she wanted to speak to the principal.

Reid nudged me and not-so-quietly said, "Karen alert."

I stifled a laugh as the teenage boy burst into laughter and the thirty something year old man looked like he was going to choke if he held his laugh for too long.

The Karen glared at us and walked out of the elevator as it came to a stop.

Reid and I walked out of the elevator and headed to to apartment. 21B. I fumbled to open the door and Reid walked in.

He plopped on my couch and picked up the remote. "Wow McConnell, make yourself at home."

He grinned at me and continues flicking through channels.

Ried was a troublemaker. We'd been friends since our diaper days, and now that I live alone, conveniently close to him, my parents thought it would be great if he checked on me every once in a while. Even though we were the same age.

I put the lasagna in the microwave and headed back to the living room. I plopped down beside Reid and swung my arm around his shoulder.

"Minerrvaaa there's nothing on TV!"

"Then let's watch Netflix instead."

"But you can never pick a movie and we end up watching old re-runs of spongebob."

I sighed. That was true. "Whatever. Pick something good. I'll say nothing."

Reid gave a devilish grin and grabbed my laptop off the chair. He opened netflix and clicked on an anime series.


"Okay, okay, geez."

Just then, the doorbell rang and I hopped off the chair to answer the door. A pizza delivery guy stood there with two boxes of pizza and went, "Pizza hut."

I groaned and turned to Reid. "I made lasagna!"

"Yeah but after that I'll get hungry and you got mad the last time I cleared out your fridge."

"You're a pig. How'd he even get here before the lasagna was- Shoot!"

I ran to the kitchen and turned off the microwave. There it was - my glorious creation - burned lasagna. I threw it in the trash and trudged back to the living room. At least we have pizza.

"Told you the pizza would come in handy," Reid said while shoving a slice down his throat.

"Zip it, Reid."

I grabbed a slice and watched as the opening credits for whatever movie Reid picked started to play. I hope it's good.


It was 9 o' clock and Reid still cleared out my fridge after the pizza. After he left I decided to leave for the grocery store. Which is why I was currently examining what milk to buy.

I got everything I needed and headed to the counter to pay for my stuff. The cashier gave me my might I add crumpled change and I left the store. I like neat bills.

I walked down the path to my house a familiar mop of curly dark hair came into view.

The guy I'd bumped into this morning was on a bench, humming to a tune he was playing on his guitar.

I recognized that song. The Only Exception by Paramore.

I started singing along as his head whipped back to see me. My cheeks flushed. I was weird.

"Sorry," I muttered.

"Oh it's okay, I was just surprised, is all. You look familiar," he said, probably trying to place my face.

"Oh I was the dork who spilled your food this morning," I replied, a blush taking over my face.


"Oh. Clumsy blonde girl," he said with a small chuckle.

"That would be me," I said with a nervous laugh. "I'm Minerva."


"Wow. Pretty name."

"Uh, thanks."

"Nice to meet you in a situation that doesn't involve accidents."

He laughed. "Nice to meet you too. So, you like Paramore?"

"Yeah. A lot."

"Me too," he said with a smile. There was an awkward silence, and a light breeze ruffled his hair as he tucked a loose strand away from his face.

I smiled. "Well nice seeing you around, Nathan. I have to head home."

"Uh, right. Have a good night," he said nervously.

"Hey, that rhymed."

Leave it to me to notice that.

He laughed again.

I waved again at him and continued down the street. He might be a fugitive, but a fugitive that likes good music.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2020 ⏰

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