Chapter 31 - We Need You!

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Y/N = Your Name

* 3rd Person's P.O.V

Warning ⚠️: This video contains language 

It was nighttime, Yui was sleeping in her room. She woke up and yawned. Yui got up from her bed and grabbed her school uniform. She changed into her uniform and left, Yui was heading towards Y/N's room. " Y/N, are you awake?" she knocked. There was no answer, " Y/N! Can you hear me?" Yui knocks again. ' Why isn't she responding?' Yui thought. She looked down and sighed. Yui was worried about Y/N, she placed her hand on the doorknob.' Sorry Y/N, but this is for a good reason' Yui thought. She gently opened the door...." Hel-...."  Yui said. She screamed from the top of her lungs. Y/N's room was a mess. There was an open window with the wind blowing in. Y/N was nowhere in sight. " Oi! Pancake. Why did you scream?" Yui heard a voice said. She turns around to the Sakamaki brothers. The Sakamaki brothers noticed their beloved sister was not in her room. They quickly ran into her room and looked around. " Where did she go?" Laito asked. Reiji noticed an envelope on the bed, he picks it up and opens it. " There's a letter" Reiji finds a letter. His brothers looked at him, " To my beloved brothers. If you're reading this, means I'm already gone. I finally realize my real purpose. Living with you boys has been great but, it seems like things have changed. I'm going to find my old mother and see if she'll take me back. Love, Your Youngest Sister Y/N" Reiji reads aloud. " She ran away" he looks up at his brothers." How dare she leave us?!" Subaru hits his fist against the wall. The Sakamaki brothers were mad, their one and only sister have left. 

* Shu's P.O.V

' So she ran away?' I yawned. ' Why in the world would she do that?' I thought. ' Father told us to watch her with our lives' I looked at the ceiling. ' We raised with our own flesh and blood. I won't anything take her away from us' I put on a straight face.

* Reiji's P.O.V

' How stupid is she? Running away?' I grunted. ' No matter, that girl will get what she deserves. After her punishment, she'll be begging on her knees for mercy' I pushed my glasses up and smirked.

* Ayato's P.O.V

' Baka! Do you seriously think running away will stop us?' I squeezed my hands into a fist. ' Y/N, you'll regret the day you made the biggest mistake' I thought.

* Kanato's P.O.V

' Why would our sister run away from us?!' I held Teddy close.' She's not a useless blood bag. She's our youngest sister' I felt myself crying. ' You'll pay for this Y/N, I won't rest until I find you' I growled.

* Laito's P.O.V

' You poor little girl, don't you know your brothers are vampires?' I covered my face with my hat. ' Your smell will lead us straight to you' I smirked. ' And once I have you Kitten-Chan, I'll make sure you never leave my side again' I lifted my hat up.

* Subaru's P.O.V

' Idiot! Doesn't she know how much she means to this family?!' I hit my fist against the wall. ' Wherever you are, I hope you're safe' I look out the window and sighed.

* The Sakamaki brothers' Thoughts

'  We'll find you Y/N!'

'  We'll find you Y/N!'

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