It's Been A While

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Today was my second day officially back in Philomena, it felt good to be back. I'm glad Jimin talked to me about it. It's been a while since I've danced and I was really excited to do so again. We officially start learning routines today, yesterday was a short practice that consisted of hearing the band's music and watching music videos. SooJin is a huge stan apparently she had no problem in giving us a whole lesson about them. One of the members is also named Jimin!

I decided to sit back and just hear the music without watching the videos. All the girls drooled over how hot all the members are. The only thing they had to say about them was about their looks. I'm over that, give me the talent. They're music honestly wasn't bad at all. I liked the vibe and the meaning of their songs. I felt really at piece laying back with my eyes closed just listening.

We finished doing our stretches and greeted our Coach as he entered the room. "Are you guys ready? We're going hard." He says and we all nod.

Everyone was super excited about this. The boys gushed about how they would want to become on of their back up dancer's badly.

"The first song we're going to start with is called House of Cards." Coach tell us. "I need the following people to step up. JaeJoong. SooJin."

Soojin tosses her hair over her shoulder smirking at me.

"An-kor and Stasia." Coach calls my name out as well.

Her pettiness causes me to grin.

"The four of you are going to be the main lead of this dance. Rest of you guys will be added more towards the end then transition to the next song which is a group dance. Got it?"

We all nod our head in agreement.

"Alright lets do this!" He follows with a clap. "Going to start with one!"


The boys and I sat bored in another one of our meetings. We were all drenched in sweat and the room smelled pretty bad not going to lie. We had been practicing really hard since we have an award performance coming up soon.

"You guys are dismissed."

Thank god. I really need to shower.

"Let's have a boys night!" Kookie suggests.

"Isn't everyday a boys night? We live together." Jin says.

"He's not wrong." Hobi shrugs.

"Oh come on! You guys know what I mean." He says putting his arm over me.

"Yeah, why not?" I shrug.

We all showered at the bighit building and changed back into our regular clothes.

"Can we order food? I'm really hungry." I whine.

"I can just cook." Jin says.

"No I don't want to wait."

"Fuck it, let's just order pizza." Yoongi says.

Namjoon calls and orders three large pizzas. By the time we got home they were delivered. We put on a movie and started munching out.


"Hoseok shut up." V groans.

"Hey! That's no way to talk to your oppa." Yoongi smirks. "Little shit."

Jungkook burts out in laughter.

"We have not been able to watch this movie in peace." Joon groans.


"Who's phone?" Jin asks.

"Mine." I say taking out.

"Well make it shut up!" He whines. "You too Kook."

I look down at my phone and it was a text from Stasia, she was letting me know she had just got out of practice and that she was really tired.

"OOoh STasssssia." Hoseok annoyingly yanks my phone out of my hand. In the girliest voice he begins to read her text out loud to everyone.

"Is that really necessary dude?" I groan yanking my phone back.

"How is she by the way?" Jungkook asks.

"She's getting there." I say.

"How are you?" Yoongi asks. "I know you were very hurt by what happened too."

I sigh, "Honestly at times I find myself thinking about it a lot. Like a lot. The image of how I found her that door is just so messed up." I lean my head back against the couch closing my eyes.

The sound from the tv went quiet.

"You know we got you? Right?" I feel Namjoon rub my shoulder.

"Thanks guys."

"Also your lady friend." Hoseok says.

I felt a bit confused.

"We got your lady friend too." Jin says.

"I love you guys." I smile.

"GROUP HUUUG!" Jungkook yells and we do so.

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