True Self

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"Okay one last time guys please." I tell the boys.

"Jimin, it's going to be okay. We've rehearsed this eight times in a row already." Taehyung says.

"Someone's nervous." Jungkook giggles.

"Come on guys, how can I not be?" I run my hand through my hair.

"Jimin, you're what they call a simp." Jungkook's laughter is followed by Tae's and Yoongi's.

I give them a wtf expression, "I don't know what that means but you sound dumb." My eyes roll back.

"Guys, stop bugging him." Namjoon defends me. "Come, let's take a walk."

I follow Namjoon out, "Yes hyung?"

"I'm proud of you for doing this." He tells me.

"Thank you, you guys are right. There's no reason why shouldn't know me fully. I'm ready to just be Park Jimin, not Roh Jimin." I say.

Today was the day that I'm finally going to break the news to Stasia. I don't know how she's going to react or what's going to happen but at least I'm doing the right thing. Finally... After a long time of being friends.

"I've got to give it to you, all this time undercover." Namjoon tells me.

"Not going to lie it's been hard. So much has happened through out this friendship. I'm exhausted of hiding and lying to her." I say.

"Can I ask you something?"


"Do you like her?" He asks me.


"You heard me." He chuckles. "Do you have feelings for this girl?"

"N-no. I care about her and she's one of my best friends. I care about her like I care about you guys. She's special." I smile.

"Your smile says more than best friends." Joon messes with my hair. "I wish you cared that much about us."

"I do!"

"I know you do, Jimin. I know you do. It's just ever since you met her you're so happy and the way you care about her is different. But if you insist that you don't I won't touch the topic anymore."

"You guys can meet her now! I'm sure you guys are going to like her. She's amazing trust me."

Namjoon chuckles, "Alright, I'm looking forward to that. Let's go back inside now. It's almost time."

The boys and I went over it one more time and got touched up once more. Although I was really excited I was super nervous. I think I'm more nervous than excited. All of this scares me, I know I can either lose her or strengthen our bond from this. I'm just really hoping she takes this well.

I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket and I knew it was time.

"Okay guys, it's time." I nod to them.

I exit the building and go find my bestfriend.

"Hey!" I say catching her attention. She looked really cute.

"Hey! Oh my gosh Jimin! You're wearing the gucci jacket. We met because over this jacket." Stasia's face is in awe.

"Yeah I thought it was the perfect day to wear it." I smile. "I'm loving the outfit, give me a spin." I say taking her hand.

"Do you like my shoes?! Their Valentino!" She squeals.

"I love them." I laugh. "You look really good."

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