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"OH MY GOSH, WE'RE HERE!!" SooJin screams at the top of her lungs. "The bighit building. I'm going to be entering it!" She almost cries.

"SooJin please, remain professional." Coach tells her.

Little squeals kept escaping from her.

We stepped off the bus with our duffle bags in hand. There we stood in front of a very tall neutral color building. It's not what I expected it at all. For some reason I thought it'd be more private and blue. Security walked us into the building and Coach Daniel checked in.

The staff was super nice they welcomed us with snacks, a food bar, and drinks of all sorts of kind. A big banner that read "WELCOME PHILOMENA" was hung above us. It was really cute.

"Ok go get ready." Coach tells us and both genders separate.

We went into our changing room and the makeup artists came in. SooJin and the other girls insisted on hiring them so we can look our "best." They all fantasize in crashing with the band members and them instantly falling in love with them. We're not even performing for them, just their team. I thought the whole idea of the makeup artist was kind of dumb so I didn't pitch in money for it, so that means I'll be doing my own makeup which I don't mind at all. My makeup skills are actually pretty good if I do say so myself.

They all sat in chairs waiting to get glammed.

"Stasia." SooJin calls me. "Have fun looking like a mess out there." She smirks.

I give her a fake smile in response.

The other girls giggle at her words.

"She's too poor to afford someone to make her look at least decent." She continue's her mean comments. "You should've just not came back to the team darling."

"Whatever SooJin." I say grabbing my makeup bag and exiting the room.

I found a solo room with a counter, mirror, and few chairs tossed around. I toss my stuff on the counter and a few tears escaped. Why am I even crying? I clearly know that I'm not poor. It's useless to cry over such an ignorant person. I just know she's never going to stop and I don't get why she's so mean.

"Hey.." A soft voice comes from the door.

I startled as the mirror showed a young black haired boy standing there.

"H-hi." I wipe my tears away.

"I'm sorry please don't freak out!" He says.

Who is this kid?

"No, I'm sorry am I not supposed to be in here? I'll leave." I say and begin to grab my stuff.

"No, no you're fine." He says coming in. "I saw what went down.. I-i promise I'm not trying to be creepy but I was passing by and I heard.."

"O-oh." I stutter.

"That girl is ignorant. Don't listen to her. Tears over girls like that are never worth it trust me!" He steps into the room.

"Thank you." I sniff.

"Can I give you a hug?" He asks.

"Sure?" I say and he embraces me.

His aroma took over my nose and it felt very familiar.

"Well I've got to go. Sorry for giving such creep vibes." He chuckles.

"Thank you for that, really." I shyly smile.

He was pretty cute.

He reveals his wide smile to me and his eyes squint, "Keep that smile there, it's beautiful."

My cheeks flourished into a deep red color. "Bye."


What just happened. I don't know who this boy is but he made me day so much better.




We were now in the dance room finishing our stretches.

"This is probably where they practice." SooJin fangirls.

"Okay lets go over all the routines right now, we'll begin shortly after that." Coach says.


The boys and I sat in a room where PD-nim held us at. We had no idea why we where here or what happened. We all suspected it was probably a meeting but it was a little weird. He expected us to be dressed up, usually that's not the case in our meetings.

"I'm back." Jungkook enters the room.

"What took you so long?" Yoongi asks him.

"Had a detour along the way." He replies.

"What?" I asked confused.

"What detour?" Namjoon asks.

"It was actually pretty sad." Kookie pouts. "On my way back I passed a room and I heard a bunch of voices but it was a very rude conversation. I decided to do what Jungkook does, which was peek in, it was a group of girls getting ready and I guess one of them didn't pay for a makeup artist and this one girl was bullying her! She was saying mean things, calling her poor and stuff of that sort. It was so rude." He explains.

"Damn that's harsh." Jin says.

"The girl who was getting bullied left the room and I followed her... She was crying and I comforted her. It was quite weird though cause either she didn't know who I was or she wasn't phased at all. Not really sure which one it was." He shrugs.

"Look at Jungkook being a man." I smirk.

"I hate bullies, and there was no reason to shed tears over ignorant girls like that. The fact that all the other girls giggled and didn't do anything got me so mad."

"Ok boys." PD-nim comes in. "Thank you for being patient. Follow me."

We followed him into a room with a huge mirror and chairs set up.

"Take a seat boys."

We do as he says so, "Enjoy." He smiles.


The lights go off in our room and we're just staring at the mirror infront of us. Out of the blue our song, "House of Cards" begins to play and the light rise up from what it seems to be the room infront of us.

It's a two way mirror.

"oh what's happening." Jin says.

Four bodies appear standing in different positions, faces not in view. They begin to dance and the boys got loud.

"guys look! That's the girl!" Jungkook says pointing.

Oh my god..


What do you guys think so far? Do you guys have an idea of whats going to happen?

I hope everyone is doing great and staying safe! I'm so excited for the chapter to come and I hope you guys are as well.

QOTD; Favorite horror movie?

My answer: I hate scary movies so I'm passing on this one😭

Well I'll talk to you guys in the next chapter very soon! Much love<3

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