The Woman

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Note: Bruh why does this have 300 reads? I thought I should address it. Thank you! this is such a borderline idea, and i don't think I've ever really written a fanfiction. Also, this is a reminder that if they do happen to see this and one of them asks me to take this down, I will. 

I wake up suddenly remembering the dream I had last night.


i had a dream and it was all about deo and me being all lovey dovey

Well what are you gonna do about that?

idk freak out?

you cant hide your feelings forever tom. eventually the dreams will become realities you wish were real

yeah yeah whatever

I know what I'm doing

No you don't :T

When's the last time you had a girlfriend?


Yeah that's what I thought.

You don't know me! I have fifteen girlfriends right now! I am a ladies man!

Yeah tell that to Deo when you want to ask him out

Shut up

Eh, what does Beth know anyways? I was so excited to do something with Deo today that I texted him first.

hey wanna go to the park

aww are you asking ME on a date this time?


12 pm?

sure, see you then ❤️❤️

He sent me hearts. I know it's all a joke but he sent me hearts!!

I'm over here acting like a little girl. What is wrong with me.

I get ready to go outside. I tell my mum where I'm going and then leave the house.

This is gonna be fun!

I walk to the park and see Deo there with someone else.

...a girl.

"Hey, Deo!" I call as I walk towards them.

"Hey! Tommy."

"Hello," I say to the girl while showing a pog face to Deo, "Who are you?"

"Tommy, I hope it's ok if I brought my girlfriend, Meg. It was a bit last minute," Deo says.


My heart shatters, but I make sure not to show it.

"Meg, this is Tommy, the one that does YouTube."

"Hello!" Meg says putting a hand out.

I shake it and say, "Hi.. hi."

I look over to Deo and say, "You just moved here. How'd you pick up a girl so quickly?"

"Luck, I guess." Deo says.

"I'm quite lucky to have found you," Meg says to Deo with a cute smile on her face.

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