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*Deo's POV*

Ahh, today was fun. I was laying on my bed reminiscing the day.

I got to spend time with my girlfriend and my best friend.

I knew that bringing a girl would amaze Tommy.

I knew it would also make him jealous, too. Jealous that he didn't have a girlfriend.

Because against popular belief, Tommy was completely single.

Surprising, right?

But now that I think back on it, I feel really bad for Tommy.

I think I may have gone a little too far somehow. I didn't notice it, but Meg did.

Can women always just tell what you're feeling?

She asked for Tommy's number earlier, so I gave it to her. Wow, my girlfriend's already cheating on me with him lmao.

Either way, it's fine. I didn't really have any deep feelings for her. We just got together a couple of days ago.

However, Tommy and I have been friends for a while.

And I feel like a really bad friend.

I'd do anything to make him happy.

I sat on that thought. Would I actually do anything for that brat?


Give him a hug? Yes.

Buy him something? Yes.

Jump into lava? No.

I'd have to be insane to jump into lava for him. Especially if it was in Minecraft and I had all my diamonds on me.

So, not anything, but most everything. We've been through a lot together.

Then maybe I should buy him something to make him feel better.

Hmmm, I wonder what Tommy would like...

And with that I drifted to sleep.


My alarm goes off abruptly and wakes me up. I never get up on time so I have to have it on.

Ugh, the weekend's over...


I have to get ready for schooool...

Oh well.

I get up and get ready. I eat and stuff and then start driving to school early to chill. I got my new driver's license in Britain over the summer so I could drive places and not have to take a bus. We also got a new "British friendly" car.

Moving here sure wasn't cheap.

I really enjoy being here, though. I'm not completely alone and I get to hang out with Tommy a lot more.

Oh! Tommy. Make it up to Tommy.

I start looking around and I spot a store that looks like I could get Tommy something.

I walk inside and decide I'll just get him flowers. It'll probably send mixed messages, but hey, sometimes you gotta spice things up. I pick out a bouquet of sunflowers and yellow roses and pay for them. I get back in my car and continue driving to school.

Oh, I also have five bucks. Maybe he'll want that.

Once I arrive at the school, I put the small bouquet in my bag and I wait outside the school building. Soon enough, I see Tommy walk up to the school.

"Hey Tommy!" I greet him

"Hello Deo, what's up?" He says as he sees me waving to him.

"Nothin much. But... I felt bad about yesterday... and I got you this!" I say as I get the flowers out of my bag and hand them to Tommy.

I see Tommy flush and pause before saying, "Deo, I didn't know you were a simp." 

"Woooooow," I say, "I go out of my way to make you feel better and you call me a simp."

"That's exactly what a simp is."

"Wow ok looks like I can't win here. I was sorry for making you feel alone yesterday."

"Well, thanks, but now you can't deny that you're a simp." Tommy replied.

"Fine, I am a 'Tommy Simp.'" I say doing air quotes for the "Tommy Simp" part.

We chatted for a little longer before the bell rang and we headed to class. Half the time, though, Tommy was looking at the other people around us.

Uhm, was there something I'm missing? Did I do something wrong?

Eh, oh well. I'm sure it's fine.

After that, school  was a normal day. Another boring  Monday. At lunch I hung out with Tommy and his friends at their table. I've learned their names now. (These are all made up besides Eryn.) There's Eryn, Beth, Anthony, Todd, and Crystal. Todd's the one they have to hide important secrets from because he can't keep his mouth shut. I kinda feel sorry for that guy, but he did it to himself.

We were just chilling there when I saw someone walking towards us. It was Meg. She also goes to our school.  She stopped by and excused Tommy and Beth for a second. She took them aside to talk about something. I stared at Eryn confused, but he didn't know what was going on either.

Hmmm.. I'll just ask Tommy later.

I sat there and ate until Tommy came back.

"You sure are a ladies man." I say jokingly.

"Yes. Women. I have all the women, Deo," was what Tommy replied.

Beth beside him started chuckling.

"Sorry, I had to steal them for a bit," Meg said as she appeared beside me.

"That's fine. At least they came back alive." I replied.

"I do not kill people! I help them out!" Meg said doing a sly wink a Tommy that I barely caught.

Oh, yep. They're definitely secretly dating.

"I'll call you later," Meg told me before she walked away.

"Ok bye." I said.

Tommy was kind of just staring at the table off into space.

"Tommy, Tommy! Earth to Tommy!" I say waving a hand in front of his face.

"Oh, huh, yes?" Tommy perks back up.

"You ok, man? You look tired."

"Ehh, I'm a lil bit."

"Wanna stop by my place later after school?" I stop and laugh a bit, "You can sleep there if you want."

Tommy looked a little out of it for a second, but then he responded, "Sure, why not."

"Aight, it's a date!" I say

"I did not agree to go on a date with you." Tommy says.

"Ok then Mr., do you WANT to go on a date to my house?" I say acting all formal.

Tommy smirks and replies, "Why, sure, Mr. Justin."

"Why do you two always have to either act like you're newlyweds or you're getting a divorce?" Eryn interrupts.

"Why do you have to be such a jerk, Eryn? You know, you suck, man!" Tommy replies to him.

We all break down laughing.

Being friends with Tommy is really fun.

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