Woes of the Royal Navy

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(We'll just start out with the base four with each perspective and I'll add the other later on)

The Royal Canadian Navy had been almost completely demobilized by the time of the 1925 revolution. When the Royal Navy broke the socialist blockade and evacuated the members of the Royal Family within Britain, it was then able to escape to Canada along with them. Overnight Canada became a major naval power. In 1928 the Royal Navy, under the guidance of Admiral Keyes, began an ambitious building program to bring the Royal Navy up to a modern fighting level. All the naval services were expanded and improved with the emphasis being put on long-range ships. In 1933 Admiral Horatio Nelson Lay successfully argued for the inclusion of large fleet carriers to be added to the building program and Harry DeWolf, Canada's submarine pioneer, argued for the inclusion of modern submarines citing German successes in the last war. Keyes was unimpressed with the idea but the submarines were easy to manufacture and could roam in secrecy to conduct reconnaissance on Union of Britain fleet movements, he was eventually overruled by the Prime Minister. By 1936 the production of the Royal Navy continued and two new carriers were laid down and the Royal Navy had also set up a base in Karachi.

Copied from the kaiserreich wiki

We start our story with HMCS Warspite as she sips a cup of tea on the Evening of January 1, 1936

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We start our story with HMCS Warspite as she sips a cup of tea on the Evening of January 1, 1936. She looks out over the ocean from the main Atlantic port of Halifax. She hasn't smiled in 11 years. Since she and many others were forced to leave the home islands. And it's not because of that. The reason of why she cannot smile anymore is because of all those they left behind. Including her dear sister. Her sister, who to Warspite, is now enslaved under the red banner of the of the Union that now rules Britain. But there are others as well. Including three that would of been their newest carriers that were and are still under construction. Illustrious, Formidable, and Victorious. All taken and now will be built to serve the Red Menace.

???: Lady Warspite?

She turned to see two sisters

She turned to see two sisters

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Warspite: Ah Nelson, Rodney

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Warspite: Ah Nelson, Rodney. I'm glad you're here. Please join me.

The two sat down joining her for evening tea. Without Queen Elizabeth the leadership role was filled by Warspite so they look to her as the would her sister.

Warspite: I'm glad you both could join me this evening.

Nelson: It was our pleasure Lady Warspite.

Rodney: We would never say no to you.

Warspite: Thank you. In these dark days I cannot help but think of everyone. All those we left when we were forced to evacuate.

Nelson: All those who are forced to serve them. I heard that some have even been forced to be renamed.

Rodney: How can they stand for something like this?

Warspite: They wouldn't dare fire on the shores of Britain, nor its people. And since the government controls the supplies they know they can't just leave to join us here either.

Nelson: So its comply or starve? I think I'd rather starve.

Warspite: You say that but you're here and they're over there.

She said as she pointed out towards the Atlantic. Towards home.

Rodney: And now it's not even clear if we'll return.

Nelson: We have to!

Warspite: A lot of factors weigh the situation. The elections are coming up and if Mackenzie King or another like him is elected then progress toward reclamation could be stalled again if not completely halted.

Rodney: You think they'll kick us out?

Warspite: Maybe. They're not too happy that we just came in and took over. They want Canada to be what it was before. Self-governing and independent. And to make matters worse we all know His Majesty isn't long for this world.

Nelson: I've heard the rumors. How much longer?

Warspite: It's doubtful he'll see the end of the month.

Rodney: He won't get to see home then.

Warspite: Everything else will depend on what his son will do.

Nelson: Even if the others the we left won't fight the "Republican Navy" is still beyond our strength in a toe-to-toe fight.

Rodney: Also we cant forget what if Germany decides to get involved as well.

Warspite: Something we cant afford to overlook. After the 2nd Battle of Jutland they proved who's navy is truly superior. Now they pretty much hold the world stage in their grasp. Who knows if they help or hinder us.

Nelson: Is there a plan?

Warspite: Right now the best option is to wait. Wait for the inevitable war that will begin between the Reds and the Germans. And hope they'll be distracted enough so we can retake the Home Islands out from under their noses. However for we girls of the Azur Lane there's something else to consider.

Rodney: What's that?

Nelson: If the Republican Fleet wins then we're stuck for good. But if Germany wins...

Warspite: If Germany wins then that'll mean all our friends would of been sunk by them.

Rodney: They're not gonna let that happen are they?

Warspite: I've been trying to help think of plans to
Prevent this but nothing is certain. Even going with these plans are gambles.

Nelson: Seems like gambling is our only option these days.

Warspite took one last sip of tea before the sun had completely set.

Warspite: Indeed. Because it's all we can do

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