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"Harry! This is Gwendolyn! She is here for her interview!" Louis declared as he opened the door.

All of the blood rushed out of my head when we walked in. It was him.

Him being the man from the coffee shop, the man who threatened me.

I was ready to run.

I turned to exit, when Louis grabbed my arm. "Where are you going love?"

"Yes where are you going, my dear Gwendolyn?" Harry questioned smirking.

I was shocked. He stood tall, in a very posh silk suit. His hair was long and cascaded down his shoulders like a coffee-colored waterfall, and his eyes....

Those eyes were so easy to get lost in. Those pale green eyes that contained so much depth, although I thought I remembered them being a deeper green before..

"N-nowhere," I stuttered not wanting to displease Harry.

"Oh, come here love, don't be nervous for your interview! Why don't you have a seat at my desk and will talk for a little while, yeah? Get to know each other a bit?"

"Okay," I replied as I bit my lip.

"Great," he smiled widely, "Louis you can go now."

"Alright, good luck Gwendolyn!" Louis said before exiting.

Suddenly Harry's lighthearted demeaner suddenly shifted when Louis left. He stared at me his eyes darkening.

I spoke, "Your eyes seem to change colors,"

"Don't ask questions."

"Why am I here? It's not like you're going to hire me."

"Convince me." he said, licking his lips.

"I don't want to work for you, I-I should go." I said, before I stood to get up, but then he started laughing.

"Why are you laughing?" i implored.

"Because you are ridiculous! Why wouldn't you want to work for me! I'm the CEO of Styles Fashion! I'm a billionaire! I could treat you so well, love!" he said with a smile.

"Then why were you mean to me this morning?"

"Because you spilled coffee on my shirt."

"But you threatened me!"

"Actions have consequences, my love..." he said with a sigh.

"Don't 'my love' me! I'm not yours!"

"If I hire you, you will be."

"I won't accept your offer."

And all of the sudden, I swear I saw his eyes darken again, and he began to yell. "Good, cause I would never hire you! Get the hell out of my office!"

And so I ran away.

A.N. OMG It's getting intense!! 

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