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I drove Gwendolyn home and told her to wait for me to explain everything. I went back to the scene of the accident to sort out everything and pick Louis up.

I finally made my way back home and decided I needed to finally talk to Gwendolyn.

"Gwendolyn," I began.

"Harry what's up? What happened? I... I feel different."

"Gwendolyn, first of all I want to say I'm sorry if you don't agree with my decision. But, you got killed in a car accident on the way home from work. I-I came out to the site and decided to save you."

"Save me? How can you do that?"

"Well, I'm a vampire-remember! The thing is, since I had fed on you within 24 hours, the fact that you ingested my blood has turned you into a vampire too now," I began to cry, "I'm so sorry if this isn't the life you want, I just love you so much and could not imagine my life without you."

"Oh Harry!" she cried. "I love you so much! Thank you!"

I was taken aback, "Thank you?"

"Yes- thank you! Now we can be together forever!"

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