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Louis drove me to the scene of the accident- I was crying uncontrollably and he deemed it unsafe for me to drive.

When we got there I saw her lifeless body on a stretcher, and I rushed over to her. I ignored Zayn's effort to give me a hug and comfort me. I just wanted to see her.

Should I save her? I wondered. Or should I let her go.

I turned my back to look at Louis, and he nodded me, so after looking at Gwendolyn and pressing a quick peck to her forehead, I bit my wrist to draw blood, and sat her up and forced her to drink it.


I sat up confused and coughing, a metallic taste flooding my mouth. I looked up to see I was sitting on a stretcher on the side of the road with Harry's wrist in my mouth. I was in pain, but it was slowly subsiding.

He had tears in his eyes. "Gwendolyn, p-please keep drinking, it will make you feel better."

So I followed his instructions and continued to take in the blood from his wrist. I was confused, but I trusted him and decided to follow his direction.

All of the sudden, I noticed people were staring at us. Harry quickly realized this too, and took me in his arms and carried me over to Louis and Zayn, who were standing by Louis' car.

"Louis," Harry said giving him a knowing look. "Can I drive your car to take Gwendolyn home, I'll come back to pick you up and sort this out." Louis gave him a short nod and I went home.

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