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Harry and I's working relationship grew more complicated and confusing over time. Ocassionally his green eyes would sparkle at me, and I'd see his adorable smirk, but most of the time our interactions were strictly business and he would be his cold, hard self. I really didn't understand him.

I was leaving work one home Friday, pondering the mystery that is Harry Edward Styles, when I finally arrived home. I decided to push the thoughts out of my head and focus on my hot date with my super cool boyfriend zayn.

Zayn met me at the door of my house. "Hey Gweny! How's my girl doing?!" He said going in for a hug.

"Hey Zayn," I said with a sigh. I was excited to see him, I really was, but Harry was still on my mind. Why was he so confusing?

Zayn noticed the lack of enthusiasm in my voice and questioned me.

"Hey Gwen, what's wrong?"

"Oh, it's nothing," I said brushing away his words.

"C'mon, you know you can tell me anything,"

"Ok," I sighed, "It's Harry. I-I just don't understand him."

"Who's Harry?" Zayn questioned.

"My boss. And he's so confusing! Like one moment he's a great boss, and well help me with what I'm doing and be super nice, and the next he's barking at me, and being mean."

"Harry is your boss?!" Zayn backed away from me looking mad.

"Yeah. Harry Styles, of Styles fashion."

"You DID NOT tell me your job is at Styles fashion! If I had known that I would've never let you apply! Gwendolyn, it's dangerous over there! You can't work there, you have to quit while you still can!"

Now I was mad. Zayn was not offering much sympathy or support. Also the only reason I had this job was because Zayn wouldn't hire me due to his morals. Ugh, his stupid morals! I wondered if Harry would have a problem with dating someone who worked for him....

"No. I'm not quitting. This is my job Zayn, I need to make money, and you won't hire me so-"

"We're over Gwendolyn." Zayn said abruptly. "I can't be with someone who works there."

And then he left. I thought I'd lost the love of my life.

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