Chapter nine

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Y/n spent most of the day in her room, she was trying to get everyone off her butt about her dating Alex. Of course her mom and Miss Alvarez were the main ones on the case. Even though Alex loved the attention from everyone, but y/n just wanted time away from all the questions. Not to mention all of her friends started to tease her about it. She finally decided today was the day she was going to tell her family about the entire plan.

Y/n made her way down into the living room where everyone was at. She sat down on the couch, getting ready to speak up about it. But Jackson cut her off.

"Did you guys hear about the whole murder hornets thing?" Jackson asked, looking at his phone.

Dj rose an eyebrow, "you would think God would stop puting all this stuff on us" she replied, taking her plate and walking into the kitchen.

Y/n mentally groaned, if nobody was going to listen to her then what was the point of trying? But she couldn't keep up the lie forever.

"Didn't they say something about how it could kill someone?" Stephanie asked, following her sister into the kitchen.

Dj shrugged, "yeah, but i think it's only if you piss them off" dj responded.

As everyone else were talking about the events going on in 2020 y/n snuck away to her own place. She made her way to her room, climbing through her window, sitting on her roof. Y/n pulled her knees up to her chest, she was tired of lying to everyone.

Y/n heard footsteps behind her, someone was right next to her.

"Go away Jackson." Y/n replied, looking away from him.

Jackson sat down next to her, "you okay? You usually don't come up here unless your like sad, or on your period" Jackson said, looking over at his twin, "and don't even say it's nothing because I know when your sad." Jackson replied.

Y/n scoffed and looked at the sun setting, "I'm not sad, Jackson."

Jackson rose an eyebrow, "y/n, yes you are! I'm your twin brother, I know when your hurt, sad, mad-"

Y/n cut her brother off, "Jackson, all of that twin telepathy stuff is a load of bull" she chuckled. Jackson shrugged, "so? I still know everything" he replied.

"You also know how to get on my nerves" y/n responded, finally turning around to face Jackson.

Jackson laughed, "sorry. I'll leave if you'd lik-"

"Wait no!" Y/n cut him off, "I need to rant." Jackson nodded and looked forward.

"I figured that if nobody else will listen, might as well tell you. I lied. Me and Alex aren't dating, I only said I was dating him to get popko off my back." Y/n admitted.

Jackson nodded, "I mean, I kind of guess you two were faking. One minute you acted like you hate him and the next you two are dating? I don't buy it." He chuckled, he threw his arm around y/n, "I won't tell anyone, you're secrets safe with me sis" he smiled.

Y/n side hugged him, "thank you" she said into his side, Jackson nodded and kissed y/n head, "I'm always here for you, even if I don't act like it"


Jackson turned around and dj was right there, "wait! Let me get the camera" she said, pulling out her phone and snapping a picture, "my two teenagers getting along and hugging, Your father would love this moment" she smiled, running off.

Y/n chuckled a bit and released Jackson from her grip. Jackson looked back at the sunset before back at y/n.

"Wanna go back inside?" He asked.

Y/n shrugged, "I think I'm gonna stay out here for a bit longer. I'll see you inside" she smiled. Jackson nodded and stood up, going back into the house. Y/n turned her attention away from Jackson and looked back out at the sunset.


Sorry it's short, I've been really losing concentration recently and I've basically lost plots for new chapters. So if you could give me a few different plots you would like to see in the story that would be a big help. :)

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