Chapter Ten

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"how do people even freaking work these!" Jackson yelled, trying to turn on the blender, Y/n came up from behind him, put the cap on and turned it on, "make sure the lid is on or its gonna go everywhere." she replied, sitting on the bar table. Jackson rolled his eyes, "this thing is weird" he replied, "k, that 'thing' is a blender, and it blends things, you're just stupid." She replied, Jackson looked at her, "if im stupid, you're stupid, were twins." Jackson replied, "Im the one who knows how to work a blender" y/n put her hands up in defense. DJ and Penelope walked into the kitchen, "kids! were going out to eat for dinner," Dj announced, "mom, relax, we have like 5 hours" Jackson replied, "i know, im just excited!" she replied before walking out whispering to Penelope. 

Y/n looked at Jackson causing him to shrug, "mom never takes us out to eat unless there bad news," Y/n replied, Jackson shrugged, "maybe shes just happy?" he asked, Y/n shrugged, "im suspicious." y/n replied, crossing her arms. Jackson scoffed, "you're suspicious of everything, y/n." he replied, pouring the shakes into four cups, 

Y/n pouted, "am not! only if something weird happens, and this, this is weird." she replied, Jackson rolled his eyes, "whatever, ill bring this to Elena, you bring this one to lover boy." he handed y/n two cups, one for her, the other for Alex. Y/n nodded and hopped from the counter, landing on the ground, she walked up the stairs with the two cups, she walked into Jacksons room, she looked at Alex, "i come bearing drinks from the land of dumbass" she said, setting the two drinks on the desk, Alex chuckled and looked up at her, "let me guess, Jackson didn't know how to use a blender?" he asked, Y/n nodded, "how did you know?" she acted surprised, Alex shrugged, "just a wild guess" he replied, going back to reading his book.

Y/n sat next to him, "what ya reading?" she asked, looking over his shoulder, Alex looked over at her, "a book" was all he said, Y/n rolled her eyes, "what book?" she asked, Alex looked at the cover, "Percy Jackson" he replied, y/n nodded, "oh that's cool, did you watch the movies?" she asked, Alex shook his head, "never in my life, just found out what this was" he laughed. Y/n gasped, "this is your first time even acknowledging Percy Jackson? dude, we HAVE to have a movie night" she replied, Alex rose an eyebrow, "so like...a date?" he smirked, Y/n backed away from him, "i said movie night, plus ill invite like Elena, Ramona, and Jackson," she replied.

Alex nodded, "sounds good," y/n nodded, "yup! also, were going out to dinner soon so you might want to get dressed, I'm sure nobody would want to see you in your boxers as their trying to eat." y/n replied, grabbing her cup and walking out, closing the door behind her. 

Y/n made her way to her room where Ramona sat on her bed talking on the phone, y/n grabbed her clothes and made her way to the bathroom shutting the door and changing into her clothes.

(pick whatever outfit you want)

she walked out of the bathroom after shutting the lights off, y/n and Alex collided sending her into the wall. Alex gasped, "oh dang, y/n, are you okay?" he asked, y/n held her head and looked down, "yeah I'm fine, really." she looked up and smiled, "would have been a lot worse if i was sent into the wall harder" she replied. Alex nodded, "I'm really sorry, again" he replied, Y/n shrugged, "Alex, its fine, i promise." she put a hand on his shoulder, "its not like I'm dead or anything" she reassured him. Alex chuckled, "well, your mom and my mom would kill me if you died." he replied. 

Y/n nodded, "lets just be glad I'm not then" she giggled, 

"kids! time to go!" Dj yelled up the stairs, "coming mom!" y/n yelled, y/n looked at Alex, "lets go, don't want to keep the fam waiting" she replied, Alex nodded, "mom might hit us with a broom if we do" he replied, walking downstairs with her. Everyone piled into separate cars, Ramona and Jackson were fighting over who got the front seat, leaving y/n to sneak into the front, taking the seat and buckling up. She stuck her tongue out at the two after they noticed what she had done. Romana laughed and Jackson crossed his arms rolling his eyes, getting into the car after Ramona.  Y/n shrugged and looked forward, Dj shook her head and started the car. 

They all got to the restaurant, Dj and Penelope were whispering to each other as they were walking into the restaurant, the table they booked looked to be only a two seater. Alex sat down, Dj pulled y/n to the side, "mom? what did you guys do?" she glared, Dj smiled innocently, "we set up a date for you and Alex! we'll be back to pick you up soon, we already put the bill on my tab so don't worry." she told her, Y/n stood there as they all walked out of the restaurant leaving her standing there, she ran a hand through her hair and turned around to a smirking Alex, "you never said I couldn't trick you into going on a date" he replied.

Y/n sighed, "this is going to be a long night" she mumbled. 


YOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, so sorry I haven't made a chapter in like forever I was busty on school for right now due to my mum saying I could get a puppy if I get A's. so ya boy is getting that puppy. i hope this chapter isn't bad, I tried getting it out as soon as I could for you guys. I'm also lowkey almost running out of ideas for this book so im going to turn to the internet to give me a few ideas, or if yall would want to help out or maybe i can add a few of your names into the book as like an extra? to be the gangs friends/friend group. Cause i want to be able to interact with you guys more, everyday i wake up to yalls dope ass comments so i figured why not add a few names, or...whoever comments. so if anybody would like to be added into this book i will make an ENTIRE chapter of the group meeting you at like a park or something, so if you want to be added into the book write your name and place you would like them to possibly meet you at. hope you all have a wonderful day. :)

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