|The Stares|

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Small AN; Neji over here will NOT be Shipped with anyone like Temari or Ten Ten, Karin, Anko, Sakura, Ino Just no, I may pare him with someone from the feedback of you guys. :]


Neither Neji or his cousin knew where Neij's Father was, it was until a Hyuga Clan member informed him of his now deceased Father. To say Neji was heartbroken was a understatement, 

The only person Neji felt At of home with or safe was no longer Existing on this planet.

 He was told he would be staying with his other cousin, Hinata and His uncle and her father Hiashi, From day one Neji had always hated this man with all his heart, He would treat his father not like a brother, but a servant, all because he was apart of a lower branch.

For the sake of the clan Hizashi let him, Neji was Truly Discussed with his uncle all for the sake of his reputation and power.

When Neji finished neatly packing his belonging's before he went down stairs he walked into his father's room not making a noise and picked up his Forehead Procter, placing it in his luggage before quietly slipping out a tear and walking downstairs quietly.

As Neji walked down the road with four Hyuga bodyguards he'd finally felt it, the stares burning  holes through out his whole body, The whisper's and the pity they were giving him was horrible, He hated all the attention so he spoke up and asked if they could just Body Flicker there.

                                     Flashback Over

{Neji's Pov}

I gently open my eyes to see the sun rising from my window, I Stretch before heading to The restroom to brush my teeth and splash my face to wake up fully, I change into my normal clothes brush my hair gently and pick up my forehead protector and put it on my forehead. 

I start walking down the stairs to be met with a already dressed Hinata waiting for me."Goodmorning Hinata how are you this morning?" I questioned

"Ah Neji G-Goodmorning  I-I'm fine w-what about you I was waiting for you after I woke u-up." She Slightly stuttered but recovered she's getting better at talking to me. 

"I'm doing fine aren't you getting assigned you squad today and I'll meet mine?"   

"Y-Yep!" She said. I took her hand and walked out of the door with her and let the Anbu's take her to the academy, I head to our training ground where I see a man with a bowl guy, a boy with HUGGEEE eyebrows and eyes and a normal looking girl, I sweat drop because I know this is going to be so troublesome.

3rd Pov (Switched) 

After Team Gai introduced themselves Gai told them there challenge before they could become genin, They'd have to get a hit on him. 'Are you serious? All we have to do is get a hit on this creep?' Tenten thought as she sweat dropped and nervously smiled.

'The test obvisouly has more to it then he says.'Neji thought as he slighty glared at the man.

'This Hyuga kid.. HE LACKS YOUTHFULNESS... I WILL RESTORE HIM!!!'Gai yelled in his mind while staring at him with stars in his eyes, Neji just sat there having a staring contest with him nervously...

Gai ended up leaving them to get ready, they had ended up finding out the meaning of the test as Gai sensei left, They made up a plan, Tenten and Lee would take Gai's attention and Neji(Since they declared Neji was fast, and it would be unexpected for Neji to flank Gai Sensei from be hide and knock him out. 

"HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII YAHHHHHHHHHHHH" Tenten and Lee yelled at the top of there lungs for the six time, making Gai Sensei laugh for the six time thinking it was funny and kept saying "If you wanna hit me come at me with all your youthfulness!".

Neji was on one of the tallest trees in the forest waiting to hear the seventh yell as a signal "HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII YAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" Tenten and Lee had  given the signal it was now or never.

Neji focused his chakra into his legs and started silently running towards Gai sensei, Signaling for his new comrades to follow him as he tackles Gai, he chopped the back of his neck as Gai's eyes widen as he was knocked out..."CRAPPPPPPPPPPPPPP"

(Team Gai ended up dragging him to the hokage's office)

As Team Gai openeed the hokage door they saw the hokage and the purple haired Jonin, "WHAT THE HECK HAPPENED TO GAI??" the hokage screemed into their faces, 

"Ah we are Gai Sensei's new team we ended up knocking him out while we were being tested if we cabable of being Genin" Neji calmly answered.

"Hah! No way some little acadamy freaks knocked him out and the kid with the freaky white eyes you look so small a girl could beat you up!" She spat in his face

Neji looked caalm on the outside, But inside of hime he was trying so hard not to pumble this arrogant and cocky lady, Keyword tried... in a couple seconds Neji moved so fast it put Tobirama and Minato To shame.

He was choking out Anko for about 4-5 mintues she was blueish purpleish, This kid had a grip, I Mean MAN Seriously Seven Anbu's, THE HOKAGE and Tenten and Lee........................... HE ... WOULD .... NOT... LET.... GO.

Another mintue of struggling the door opens, A door opens Team seven and team eight,Neji didn't see hinata so he just kept chocking Anko "KAKASHI KURNAI HELP US HE'S CHOCKING ANKO TO DEATH AND HE WON'T LET GO!!" the hokage panicly stated

The jonin leader's eyes or eye widen and started to help out HE WOULDN'T GIVE UP LIKE WHAT THE HECK  It was untill hinata said "Neji-onii-san w-what are y-you doing?!" Neji froze in place slowly letting go.

He turned around to meet Hinata's eye's filled with confusion, he just silently stood up and grabbed her hand and went home.

Words written{1070}

                                                            Fusion here I am trying to write a lot more the I did just now but this is just like a little introduction here I actually didn't plan this too much just let my hands try what I wanted to type so I think I may write up to 2700 words a chapter I don't actually know but I'll see you guys later

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2020 ⏰

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