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Thomas had fallen asleep two hours into the ride. Newt noticed because he wasn't singing along to the songs anymore. Newt gave Thomas the aux which he accepted happily at the beginning of the trip.

Newt snuck a glance at him and smiled. Thomas' head was against the window, his beanie fell over his eyes a bit and he was snoring softly. He was probably exhausted from traveling literally all day. Newt turned the music down so it wouldn't wake up Thomas.
Newt's hands were sweaty on the steering wheel. They'd been driving for a few hours and were honestly getting pretty close to where they were going to meet Teresa. It was almost six then, which meant they were making decent time.

Thomas liked similar music to Newt which was nice. They had a good time screaming and singing in the beginning. It was actually a lot easier than Newt expected, switching from online to real life. I mean now he had to resist staring at Thomas' stupid face for creepy lenghts of time, but the hugs made it worth it.
Newt yawned a bit and shook his head. Driving was also boring without Thomas to talk to. Thomas' hand was on his stomach and Newt wanted nothing more than to hold it, not that he'd ever held hands with someone romantically but he figured it'd be nice. Well, it'd probably be like normal hand holding but it would be with Tommy so it'd be different.

Newt sighed and drummed his hands on the steering wheel a long to the song. He was actually really excited to see Teresa. He still had no idea what she looked like, they probably should have gone over that before they started driving but Newt guessed it didn't matter too much. He was still able to find Thomas quite easily despite having no idea what he looked like. It was probably better that he didn't know what Thomas looked like beforehand because he probably would have hid in his closet and left him at the train station.

Newt never even saw this stupid crush coming. He'd known Oben for a while but as soon as Oben became Tommy his chest tightened whenever he thought about him.

Thomas stirred next to him and groaned softly as he sat up. "Oh fuck, I didn't mean to fall asleep."

"It's okay, I hope my awful driving didn't make you up."

Thomas laughed at that. "No oh my god it's my fuckin neck. Sleeping in cars is always the worst."

"You got that one right."

Thomas rubbed his neck and adjusted himself in the seat. "Did we even find a place to sleep for the night?"

"Teresa said she had a hotel bookmarked, but hopefully we find out where the fuck Minho is and we can stay at his place."

"I'm guessing the hotel sucks."

Newt nodded. "Yup, but it's only seventy five dollars for a night so we could afford it but there's only one bed so your neck would hate you even more."

"I feel like Teresa kicks in her sleep, I bet you twenty dollars she does."

Newt laughed. "She's definitely aggressive."

"In like a badass way though. Like she's definitely too cool for all of us."

"I can agree with that."

Thomas sighed as he looked out the window. "Minho should be here with us. He wanted to meet up in person the most."

Newt frowned. "I know, but we'll find him then he can give us the deathly tight hugs he always talks about."

Thomas turned to look at Newt who really couldn't look at him because he was trying to get them there in one piece and keep his eyes on the road.

"You know this isn't your fault at all right? I know deep down you still think it is but it isn't Newt okay?"

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