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Saying goodbye to Thomas at the train station was actually quite harder than Newt expected it to be. His throat felt tight and Thomas hugged him goodbye and he shamelessly buried his face into his neck and choked back tears.

Newt knew they were meeting up again the next weekend to beat the pack because they were so close to finding the answer to whatever the hell was going on, but he didn't want Thomas to go. He liked having Thomas with him, he liked kissing him and holding him and talking to him in the middle of the night when they should have been sleeping.

Newt definitely didn't cry while blasting sad music in the car on his way back to his house.

When he got home he pulled out the letter he got in the mail again, something was sitting weird in his stomach about it since the second he got it. He ran his UV light over it again, and paused as he saw something in the upper right corner. It was something he and Tommy had missed.

This one looked like a phone number.

Against his better judgement and regards for his own personal safety, Newt scrambled for his cell phone and typed in the number. His hands were shaking as he hit the keys to send out probably the worst message of his life. "Hi."

Newt's heart was pounding as he put his phone on his chest, what the fuck was he doing. He had no idea who was on the other side of that line. Who now had his phone number. Newt bit his lip. Well they already had his address and knew about his sister so in reality what more damage could this even do. They already destroyed his computer, Lizzy's book, they were backing him into a corner, they were reaching the end and they had to figure it out before whoever the hell was behind this beat them.

If they weren't fast enough the next news story would be about Newt or Teresa or Minho or Tommy. God forbid, one of them could end up dead.

Newt's phone buzzed and he jumped so hard his phone hit his face, his hands were shaking as he picked it up.

Unknown: I was waiting for you to text.

Newt swallowed hard as he typed out a reply. You were?

Unknown: yes.

Newt: you sent me the letter?

Unknown: obviously, you're smarter than this.

Newt: what do you want from me?

Unknown: I want your help.

Well fuck Thomas was right.

Newt: how do I know this isn't a trap

Unknown: well you don't right? But do you really have another choice?

Newt bit his lip because in reality, the unknown person was right, this was his only option right now, this was the only lead they had besides beating the pack and that would definitely get them all killed.

Newt: well I guess not.

Unknown: tonight. You have the address.

Newt: you realize how stupid it would be if I came right? I'd practically be killing myself?

Unknown: You'll come

Newt: how are you so sure?

Unknown: You'll come because I'm the only one who can stop Thomas from dying

Newt: what are you talking about?!

Unknown: I'll see you tonight

Newt's heart was hammering as he put his phone down. His mouth was dry and he kinda felt like he was going to throw up. He couldn't tell the others about this and he knew that was basically kick starting his own funeral, but something felt off and he couldn't really put his finger on it.

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