Chapter 101: Cursed Feelings

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I lived my whole life to be a perfect fiancée. Day in and day out, I received intense and strict training and listened to others about what it meant to be a Crown Princess. I underwent everything without complaint because there was nothing else I found better to do with my time. I just passed through the days of what seemed like never ending lessons.

Despite being able to take on whatever was given to me with little faults, I could never find or develop my own aspirations. I was someone without a true purpose in life. In other words, I was an empty person.

"I hate you...You will never be the object of my affection. I will marry you to satisfy our families, but I will never love you," Prince Erik said to my child self.

When I first met Erik, he told me coldly that my only purpose in life was to help him solidify his position through the unification of our families.

At first, I thought he was quite the honest idiot, but in a way, it was refreshing how he clearly stated his intentions of not expecting love from our future union. It worked in my favor as well because I was someone who could not comprehend the feeling of love and was unconfident about being able to properly reciprocate it.

I did wonder about what I did to earn his hate before even meeting him before and continued pondering about it and accidentally forgot to answer him.

"Hey! Are you deaf!"

As he approached me, I felt scared by his angry face and began walking backwards. I suddenly lost my balance and tripped over the fountain.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw that very person who spewed so much hate towards me reach his hand out with a panicked expression.

I grabbed his hand without much thought, and we both ended up in the fountain.

"...I am so very sorry," I apologized.

"You are rather clumsy," he said in an annoyed voice.

From that day, I continued meeting up with Prince Erik when he would come over to my home several times for some reason. I always assumed that he was lacking in interaction with children his age, so he would come to bother me.

Despite him acting rather rude towards me in several instances, he would still come back and show his care for me. I just assumed his bad attitude came from his social awkwardness with girls. He was oddly sweet in his own unique way. In that awkwardness, I found comfort in being around him, but I did not think it was much of a feeling like the love I had overheard my Maids had spoken about.

"I have heard that without His Highness Prince Erik around, Lady Arielle does not have a partner befitting of sharing meaningful conversations with. I hope that Garett will provide you some entertainment," Marquis Alvin said as he pushed his son towards me.

What a pushy parent...

"I am Arielle Maddox," I said as I did a curtsy.

"Garett Alvin," he introduced himself with a bow.

I had heard that he was a year older than me, but his manners were quite good for his age.

He had dressed neatly in comfortable clothes and had enchantingly silky straight midnight black hair that formed an almost perfect halo around his head like an Angel. His large round eyeglasses seemed to unfashionably cover half of his face, making him downgrade his own appeal.

Marquis Alvin soon saw himself out with my father.

"...We are alone," I said during the awkwardness of silence.

"Shall we find something to do to find a meaningful way to spend our time?" Garett suggested.

He was surprisingly a good sport. On my suggestion, I asked that he play chess with me. He readily agreed as if he expected chess to be the standard way to pass time with another person.

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