cup: 30

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What was sleep? I hadn't had any since I watched Norma-Jean fall apart in that hospital room, about a week ago. I thought I was picking the lesser of two evils when I said 'I have a girlfriend' but I was more than wrong. Clawing my fingernails down my face, I groaned as I stared up at the ceiling.

As I entered the high-rise, I loosened the tie on my neck. The charity gala for Norma-Jean was supposed to be tonight, but got cancelled due to rain. I tried calling her, but her phone kept going straight to voicemail. When I thought about it, she hadn't answered me for the past three days, which was more than concerning. Maybe her brothers really did want to keep her away from me. I snorted as I rolled my sleeves up, like hell they would.

As I reached to press the call button for the elevator, the doors opened and I steppe back as James stepped off with two other men. James narrowed his eyes as the doors closed behind them and I sighed as I pushed my hands into my pockets. This man hated me and I wasn't sure why, but his little grudge was getting on my nerves.

"What do you want, Pen" he demanded, stepping into my bubble.

"Did you say Pen," one of the other guys asked, touching James' shoulder.

"Not now, Mi'chel."

I huffed as I combed my fingers through my hair. "I came to see if your sister was okay."

"You know Norma-Jean," Mi'chel interjected again.

"She not here, so you can go on about your day."

My hand paused in the air as I looked at him. If she wasn't home where else would she be? It wasn't like her to not answer my calls and her not being home without her phone was bothersome.

"Where is she," I asked, panic creeping into my voice.

"Who are you," Mi'chel asked again, moving James aside completely.

A frown etched its way across my face as I looked him in the eye. The height difference between him, James and Norma was staggering.

"Name's Pen."

His eyes widened as he stared at me, then turned to James and the other brother.

"He does not look like a writing utensil at all, James. Pen is a person and you didn't think to tell us about it? He probably could have helped!!"

I was more confused than before as I listened to him yell. This was starting to stress me out. Clasping my hand on Mi'chel's shoulder, I made him face me again and he glanced at my hand on his shoulder.

"Where is Norma-Jean," I gritted through clenched teeth.

"That ain't-" James started but Mi'chel held a hand up for him to stop.

"Jorgen's Hospital about three hours from here," Mi'chel said.

"Thank you."

My feet moved faster than my brain as I rushed to my car. I didn't register starting the engine at all, only the feeling of my foot pressing down on the accelerator as I took off into traffic. Even though it was already loose, my tie seemed suffocating as I drove and I tore it off. Combing my fingers through my hair, I huffed as I hit 70 in a 55.

I should have asked what happened, because my mind was running wild with horrible possibilities. Was she hurt? What if she was dying? Shaking my head, I merged right on to the ramp and off the expressway. Thinking like that wouldn't get me anywhere. Norma-Jean was all right, she had to be.

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