Chapter Eight : Ghosts Are Real

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"KELHANI", a voice said.
I couldn't locate it, who was it and the scenery was one that remembered me of the spot me and him shared, the memories that came with it. The moon was out casting shadows over me and the stars where out, it seems peaceful.
"KELHANI", there was that voice again but there was no one there and than as I turn around there was figure in front of me. I couldn't make out who he was but his aura seem so familiar. " Kelhani beware of..." he said and out of nowhere the sun was out. The scenery had change to one where I was in school and there figure in front of me, all I could focus on was there figure leave the school and I sense a aura that was approaching me and it was of someone that hated or still hate.


I wake up drench in sweat and my heart beating fast like I just ran a marathon. I launched myself out of bed. I went to bathroom, splashed water on my face. The memory of the dream slowly fading.

What was that about? I thought. Two nights in a row. I decided to go back to bed but I kept tossing and turning, so I decided to give up on sleep. Which is a nightmare, like worst than the one I just had. Me given up on sleep is crime. What has the world came to?

I checked the digital clock on my night stand, it read 04:59 almost 5 o'clock. I guess have to get ready for school, what a drag.

I went to the bathroom did my business and got dress in my school uniform and did my hair, since it looks more white than black but behaves like black hair. I decided to straight it, usual I would leave it curl but I had time.

I tie it into a nice bun and went downstairs for breakfast. As I enter the kitchen, there stood my overly pregnant mother munching on my now finished cereal. "Really mother really." I said with scowl on my face.

"What? I got hungry and plus I brought this and that means I can eat it when ever I want." She said and I just stare at her blankly. I refuse to argue with this pregnant  women cause it's to early in morning for such ridiculous.

"I'm taken this apple an less you wanna munch this to mother." I said to her while take the apple from the fruit basket in middle of the dinning table.

"No, why can't you call me mom like the other children out there."

"Cause it's more dramatic mother and plus I been calling you this since birth, deal with it women."

"Go to school cause I'm pretty sure your ride will be here any minute."

"No, he is probably still sleeping. Tell me again how I didn't get a drivers license mother." I asked my mother and her response was this "Cause I fall pregnant and I refused the idea of you learn how to drive from Jayden." She said.

Truth be told my mother was tell some truth from that statement. Jayden can't drive to save his life or anybody's. 3 stop signs down and the dude final got his drivers license, which I'm still questioning till this day. The thing is, how I don't know how to drive was real mystery for everyone including me. Before engage in more deeper conversation with my mother, Jayden's car was hooting outside. Now that's weird, I thought and I was not the only who thought so.

"Now that's weird and that's come form me." My mother said, coming to think about it, this is way to early for Jayden. It could be he didn't know he was early or he was stress and need to be somewhere really early.

I said my goodbyes to my mother and strolled out the door really luxurious slow, stop at the porch and eyed Jayden's car and wore my sunglass. Walked like I was on the  runway. "Will you hurry up, I don't got all day you know." came Jayden's voice. "No body gives a damn." I shout back, went to the passage side of the car and open the door, sat, did my seat belt.

Before I could even say a formal greeting we off like the wind. "Well nice to see you are excited for school to be this early." I said and than the car to halt like stop in middle of the road.

"What?" Jayden shout in fury and my bored expression was at the fact we stop in middle of the road. We finally started move after a minute or so.

"Yes we are early and yes you lost precious sleep time."


"How am I suppose know that?"

"I don't know."

I rolled my eyes at this stupid fool, how did we become friends again, I thought. It was a miracle, my inner voice said. You can say that again.

Than my phone beeped and I took it out check who send me a message. The message read as followed.

Aunt Lily:
I changed Jayden's alarm clock time so he could wake up early to go to this meeting for the basketball team.

Aunt Lily was Jayden's mother and that explains why all of a sudden this stupid fool was early.

"Who was that?" Jayden asked

"Your mother explaining why you wake up this damn early. You apparently you have basketball meeting with team." I said and than it finally dawn on poor stupid Jayden.

"That's why I'm early, I can never function properly without food." He said and without sleep too. We pulled up at school and Jayden was parking his car in school parking lot.

Jayden turn and looked at me and asked, "Ready?"

"More than I ever be." I said

We exited the car and we enter the school. I saw it, there I saw it, in the hall way and there the lost soul was asking for help.

I turn to Jayden and whispered in his left ear "Remember when you asked me if ghost were real."

"Yeah.." Came his response

"Well I'm starring at one. Truth be told, ghost are real."

This is just a wonderful start to a Tuesday morning

Author's Note: this was one of the longest chapters by far, to be honest. I hope you enjoyed it. Join me again in the paranormal life of Kelhani.

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