Chapter Four - Four Months At Hogwarts

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Maxwell Quentin
. Gryffindor

. British

. Sporty

. Quidditch beater

. Sleepy

. Up in the air

. Muggle descendant


-What do you mean? - Felicity asked

-Can't be that hard! - Hela laughed about it

-Of course it is. Actually I'd say its impossible, I mean have you seen it happen so far? - Max munched his lunch.

-Quieter Max come on! - Heather protested

-Sorry I'm hungry

-Haven't you ate like half an hour ago? - Felicity laughed


They laughed at their friend's ability to eat more than an elephant could.

-How are you gonna do it anyway? - Max asked once he cleaned his mouth

-Not sure yet

-A bet she can't do it? - Max threw a coin in the air

-Bet-Hela shook his hand - If I make him smile you have to bow every time I get in the same room as you - Hela laughed.

-Okay but if you can't you have to finish ten of my papers - Max smirks

-Done anytime line? - Hela asked

-Until school break - they shook it

-You're both witnesses. You heard her, she wants to finish my papers - Max slips from the chair falling unintentionally to the floor.

-You were saying? - Hela helps him get up laughing hard enough for a tear to slide down her cheek.

-Come on Hel how are YOU going to make him smile anyway? He's as grumpy as someone could be! When he gets annoyed he smacks our heads oooh and don't forget when..- Heather starts sweating once she notices eveyone's eyes going up.

-Yes? Ms.Westwood? - Snape's deep and superior voice makes Heather tremble.

Heather turns around opening her mouth several times not being able to talk.

-I was..was..erhm..guys? - she asks for help not getting an answer.

-I'm listening..-Snape crossed his arms waiting for an explanation - don't forget when what?

-when...when-she looks at her friends and turns again - when professor Snape magnifically showed us how to prepare that potion....erhm what was the name of it again - she gives them a deadly expression.

-Cure for boils?-Max smiled while looking at Heather receiving a disappointed expression in return.

-Rather elementary-Snape stepped forwards and bent down slightly - Be careful when you talk about other people Ms.Westwood..they might not take it lightly..- Professor Snape slowly got up analyzing every soul in that table before turning around along with his cloak.

-For Merlin...- Heather threw herself in the chair - Never again!You traitors!

They laugh it off and head to the yard.

Max was a Gryffindor that joined the group by the end of the second school month. He was Felicity's friend and now Hela and Heather's too.

Max was the nickname he asked to be called by, since he didn't like being called Maxwell, he said it sounded like his mother was grounding him 'Maxwell Quentin come here right now!' was how he made his mum's impression.


-HELA wait up! - Felicity ran towards her

-Hey what is it?

-Have you heard about Ravenclaw?


-They lost 30 points


-Apparently someone sneak into Professor Sprout's office...




-They kept it a secret. Anyway where are you going?

-Oh I'm going to the library to study. Wanna come?

-Sure, where's Heather?

-Sick in bed.

-Really? How is she?

Hela smirks knowingly - She's fine its a little cold. Don't worry she'll be annoying us in no time. Where's Max?

-Watching quidditch.

-Of course.

They open the library door and sit in one of the empty tables.

-In quidditch days the library is empty.

-Yeah, I only like watching when my house is playing.

-I usually would be there too but I'm a little behind with Herbology.What are you going to study?

-Potions, the last potion Professor Snape showed us confused me.


-It's similar to one I read about somewhere over here-Hela points to a shelf - Anyway when I get back someone will be discussing the game and I'll know who won for how many points, who scored and even the the little secrets that definitely SHOULD stay like that.

-What secrets?

-People don't whisper anymore these days.You can hear everything on the corridors-Hela smiled.

After the game Felicity left to go find Max, while Hela stayed doing some extra research.

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