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*takes place around the time of season 3 episode 1 when the panther attacks Clarke*

Bellamy took a walk, he needed to clear his head. "Clarke, the commander of death" He muttered under his breath as he slammed his fist into a tree. "God why couldn't she just stay" Bellamy turned his back and fell against the tree with his head in his hands. A scream erupted through the forest, it was unlike any screams Bellamy would hear when he was hunting. This one was so strong, yet so weak. So beautiful, but terrifying at the same time. That's when it registered in his head, Clarke. Bellamy set off in a sprint toward the scream and there he saw her. Clarke had her back turned too Bellamy and was standing over a large black animal, she looked different. Her hair was red and she was covered in dirt, she also had a large bite mark on her left shoulder. "Clarke." Bellamy said so quiet he thought she might not have heard him, he couldn't even hear himself over the sound of his beating heart. Clarke turned around and let out a small gasp, tears were forming in her eyes. "Bellamy" she said as she stepped closer to him, she had said his name multiple times when she was gone but it was nothing compared to saying it to his face. She held her hand up to his face as she took in the sight in front her. He was different than she remembered, his hair slightly longer than before, slightly curlier too, more freckles appeared on his face. She felt a tear drip down her face, as Bellamy brought his hand up to hers. "You look good as a red head" he joked and Clarke let out a small giggle. She wrapped her arms around his neck as she hugged him, hugged him as if when she let go he would disappear. Bellamy did the same, making sure not to touch Clarke's shoulder. "I missed you" she whispered in his ear.

"I missed you too." Bellamy wanted to stay like this forever, but there's no forever on Earth, only survival. Bellamy broke the hug "we have to get out of here, everyone is after you. We can head back to camp, you'll be safe there."

"No, if you heard the scream others prolly heard it too, which means that they are near hear and will see us if we move toward camp. We should camp out for the night then head back to camp in the morning. I know a place not far from here, we'll be safe in the morning." Bellamy nodded in agreement as he picked up the panther and turned to Clarke. "Lead the way princess." Clarke felt her cheeks flush as the name 'princess' rolled off his tongue. He had no idea how much she longed for him say that name again over the past six months. They walked silently side by side, the silence wasn't awkward though, it was peaceful, they both knew that they had questions but remained silent as they walked. She led them to a large cave, with a pool of water in the middle. Bellamy placed the panther down on the side and finally broke the silence "Why does everyone call you Wanheda?"

"It means commander of death, apparently if you survive on your own and kill as many animals as I have you get that title."

"But why is everyone after you?"

"If you kill Wanheda it is said that you become her" she let out a small laugh "apparently everyone wants to become me." They continued talking like this as time went by until Clarke finally let out a small groan when she moved her hand to brush her hair.

"We should prolly do something about that shoulder" Bellamy said.

"I have supplies but I can't reach back there."

"So let me" Bellamy smirked, god that smirk, it would always make Clarke feel on fire (the good kind).

"Okay" Clarke explained the process to Bellamy and gave him the supplies from her pack. She turned around and let off a pained groan as she started to take off her shirt, when Bellamy stopped her. "Let me" he said, all Clarke could do was nod, she knew she wouldn't be able to take it off herself. Bellamy brought his hands to the hem of her shirt and started to move it over her head, the warmth of his hands spreading into Clarke's back as his skin touched hers. He started to clean her wound and Clarke had to bite her lip to prevent herself from doing something stupid. When he finished he bandaged the wound and she turned around to face him.

"All done" Bellamy spoke, trying not to look down at her chest.


"You should probably wash out the red from your hair, someone might notice it." Clarke nodded and made her way over to the pool of water. She pulled off her trousers and tossed them to the side as she slowly lowered herself into the water. Bellamy stood off to the side, admiring her perfectly toned body and they way she moved. The water was deep, causing Clarke to have tred, but it wasn't easy with her injured arm. Eventually her arm gave way as she fell under the water. Bellamy quickly stripped his clothes off, leaving him only in his underwear, and jumped in to save her. He dove under and grabbed her by her waist as he brought her up to the surface and moved over to a shallower area where Bellamy would be able to stand. Clarke's arms were around his neck and she was gasping for air as he tried to calm her, stroking her hair with his hand as the other held securely around her waist, their legs in a compromising situation. She finally turned her head to face him, but he was already looking. She was beautiful and slightly flushed, her hair was damp and her ocean blue eyes were beautiful in the sliver of light that was cast over them. Screw it. Bellamy thought as he moved his head down to his her kissing her softly. At first Clarke was taken back, but then she started kissing him back as he tightened his hold around her. Bellamy lifted her up from the water and laid her down on the ground as his trail of kisses continued down her mouth, neck, under here ear, her shoulder blades, where it finally came to a stop at her injured shoulder. He stopped for a second to look at it, before kissing it and bringing his head back up to meet Clarkes. "Hey" she said.

"Hey" he said out of breath.

"I love you." Bellamy grinned from ear to ear when he heard this, he kissed her again, this time not as passionate before. This time sweet and softly, when he finally broke apart he brought his head up to her ear and whispered "I love you too, princess." Clarke's face light up when she heard this, she kissed him with all the passion that she had stored, their kisses were long and fierce, leading their way into the night. The only sounds they could hear were their breathing and moans. Nothing else mattered anymore, in that moment it was only Clarke and Bellamy, and that's all that matters.

𝒑𝒐𝒔𝒔𝒊𝒃𝒊𝒍𝒊𝒕𝒊𝒆𝒔. bellarke (𝐎𝐍 𝐇𝐎𝐋𝐃)Where stories live. Discover now