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Clarke and Bellamy have never gotten along. There was no denying it, but there was also no denying the fact that they would steal glances from across the room and find subtle ways to touch each other (a/n not in a sexual way).  Clarke and Bellamy's friend group were always shipping them and telling them how cute they would look together, which in result ended up with more of them arguing. Clarke and Bellamy's sister, Octavia, had always been close so when Octavia needed help getting ready for a date Clarke was the first person to volunteer to help.

Clarke arrived and Octavia immediately answered the door, pulling her inside the house. "You're late! I only have an hour to get ready for this date and I really want it to go well," Octavia pauses to turn around and face Clarke, "He's a really nice guy and I really want things to work out well between us."

Clarke chuckles, "Does Bellamy know you're going on a date?" she asks, knowing how overprotective he is over Octavia.

"No cause he's gonna be out all night doing god knows what and I'll be home before he gets back," Octavia replies, giving Clarke the signature Blake smirk.

Clarke just rolls her eyes and follows Octavia into her room. She helps Octavia get dressed into a skintight strapless black leather dress that barely comes below her ass.

"If Bellamy somehow finds out," Clarke pauses to look at Octavia's face in the mirror, "You are so dead."

Octavia just rolls her eyes and continues drinking her red bull while Clarke curls her hair. As soon as Clarke is done with her hair she does Octavia's makeup, going with the nude look but later adding eyeliner and red lipstick. Soon enough the doorbell rings, "That's him!" Octavia yells as she jumps up from her seat, spilling her red bull all over Clarke. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry," Octavia says as she starts to panic. She runs over to Bellamy's room, knowing that Clarke would fit into one of his shirts better and runs back into the room. "Here," she says as she throws the dark blue shirt at Clarke. "You can stick around and help yourself to whatever's in the fridge, I'll be back later then we can hang out. Oh yeah you can throw your clothes in the washer if u want." Octavia yells as she slips on a pair of black stilettos, "How do I look?" Octavia asks.

"Sexy." Clarke replies, Octavia just laughs before answering the door. Clarke walks to Octavia's room to change, the sound of Octavia talking echos through the house. She peels off her white off the shoulder shirt, then takes off her skinny jeans that are soaked with red bull, leaving her in a black lace matching set. She hears the front door close as she throws on the shirt.

Clarke walks over to the couch, sitting down and watching teen wolf on the tv. Thirty minutes went by and she was at the scene where Stiles was having a panic attack when the door opened and Bellamy Blake walked in. Clarke immediately felt underdressed and could feel her cheeks heating up as his eyes raked over her body.

"See something you like?" Clarke asks with a smug smile. 

Bellamy just scoffs and looks away, "Why are you wearing my shirt?"

"Because Octavia gave it to me?"

"Where is she?" he asks, looking around then calling out her name.

Clarke jumps up from where she was sitting on the couch and walks over to Bellamy who is looking at her with an annoyed look on his face.

"Where's O?" he asks.

"She- uh. She went to the store?" Clarke tried to say confidently but it came out as a question.

"Cut the crap princess, where is she?"

Clarke looked down and let out a frustrated sigh, knowing that Bellamy was gonna find out either way, "She's on a date."

"Damn it Clarke," he says as he runs his hands over his face and up to his hair, tangling his curly locks.

"She's old enough to go on a date, you have to stop being so overprotective."

"You have to stop telling me what to do, I can do whatever the hell I want." he says turning to Clarke.

"You should listen to what I have to say, it's for your own good." She says as she binds her hands into fists and steps closer to him.

"Like you know what's good for me."

"Actually I do know what's good for you."

"Really?" he asks, taking another step closer to her


Suddenly Clarke's backed up against the wall, Bellamy holding her against it. He lower's his face down to her ear, in a low, husky voice he whispers, "If you know what's good for me, then show me, princess."

"Shut up." Clarke says breathless by the close proximity of Bellamy.

He moves his face so he could get a better look at her, "Make me."

*smut warning* (if u don't like smut then just skip to the end)

Clarke leaned forward and kissed him, trying to distract him so she could get out of his hold. Soon enough the kiss became more passionate and she became lost in it. Bellamy's hands dropped lower, she took the hint and hopped up, wrapping her legs around his waist. He walked her too the his room, slamming his door behind him with his foot and pressing her up against the door. She curled her fingers into his hair, causing him to moan, she smirked at her accomplishment. He noticed and as payback he bit her bottom lip at an excruciatingly slow pace, causing her to moan in response. He laid her down on his bed and hovered over her, his lips still on hers and his hands slipping under the shirt she was wearing. With one full swoop, the shirt was off. Her fingers found the hem of his shirt and played with it for a while before pushing it up slightly so she could run her fingers over the toned chest underneath. He took his shirt off next before lowering back down and unhooking her bra and take off her panties. He pulled back to take in the view, "God, you're so beautiful." 

He whispered and Clarke's face went red. He lowered himself back down over her to kiss her and she started playing with the button of his pants, he helped her out and threw them off, his underwear coming off right after. Clarke looked down and took in the size, afraid that it wouldn't fit. Bellamy noticed and used his fingers to tilt her head back up to face his "Hey we don't have to do this if you don't want to." he said, his tone soft and caring, unlike any tone he had ever used on her.

"I don't wanna do this and things become weird between us, or do this and you just treat me like a one night stand, if we do this I want if to mean something, I want us to be something."

Bellamy cut her off with a passionate kiss, "Me too," he said breathlessly, "I love you, Clarke Griffin."

Clarke's face broke into a smile, "I love you too."


and this one shot is done! I hope you guys liked it! I'm so sorry if my smut writing wos bad, I'm still new to writing smut. 

- B

𝒑𝒐𝒔𝒔𝒊𝒃𝒊𝒍𝒊𝒕𝒊𝒆𝒔. bellarke (𝐎𝐍 𝐇𝐎𝐋𝐃)Where stories live. Discover now