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Christmas was Clarke's favorite holiday. Hot chocolate, presents, and all of her friends. Everyone gathered around in the Blakes' house. Monty, Miller, Lincoln, Jasper, and Murphy "taste testing" the moonshine. Maya and Harper in the kitchen, fixing everything Clarke, Raven, and Octavia started while Jordan played on the floor near his momma. Clarke, Raven, and Octavia were sitting by the christmas tree, examining presents like two year olds. Bellamy walks through the door, his black curls covered with a layer of white snow, his cheeks and nose a rosy pink because of the coldness. He peeled off his black jacket and hung it up, leaving him in his black jeans, black shirt, red and black flannel, and white nikes.  He turned to face the two girls by the Christmas tree.

"Bell!" Octavia yelled as she ran up to him for a hug.

"Hey O," he said with a chuckle, he set her down and his hazel brown eyes caught Clarke's ocean blue ones, "Hey Princess." Clarke could feel warmth spreading throughout herself at the sound of him saying that name.

"Hey Bell-amy." Clarke said, catching herself in the middle of his name. Bellamy gave her a knowing look and walked off to join the other men in their shenanigans.

"What was that about?" Octavia said, giving Clarke a questioning gaze. Clarke could feel herself turning red and attempted to hide herself with the sleeves of her white, chunky sweater. "Aha! You're blushing! So there IS something going on between you and my brother!" Octavia whisper yells so only Clarke could hear her.

"Octavia, chill out, there's nothing going on between me and Bellamy," Clarke said, trying to bite back a smirk at the lie she just told.

"Oh really." Raven said, crossing her arms in front of her, "What about the fact that you almost called him BELL."

"Raven, it was one time, and it was an accident, and I caught myself before it happened." Clarke said, trying to sound as convincing as possible.

"Yea right." Octavia said, rolling her eyes and making her way to the dinner table. Everyone fell into their seats, and Bellamy sat down next to Clarke.

"Mmm it smells so good." Clarke commented, praising Harper and Maya's cooking.

"Yea, smells better than ours," Raven said with a laugh as she stuffs a bite of mashed potatoes in her mouth, "Taste better too."

Harper laughed and sat down next to Monty, "That's cause you guys can't cook."

"And this is why Bellamy and Lincoln always cook for me," Octavia says proudly.

"That and the fact that you're a lazy ass." Bellamy commented. The group downed seconds and thirds like lightning and with a blink of the eye, the food was done.

"Ughh I'm so full." Clarke said, leaning her head on Bellamy's shoulder in habit.

"Uhh princess," Bellamy said and Clarke immediately realized what she just did. Her head bolted up and she whispered a sorry before feeling Bellamy's hand grasp hers from under the table and stroking it in reassurance. Clarke's cheeks heated up once more and she earned glances from Raven and Octavia, which she just shrugged off. 

Once everything was put away, everyone filed out again. Octavia and Harper playing with Jordan. Raven, Maya, Lincoln, and Miller talking while Murphy, Monty, and Jasper figured out how to set up a game.

Clarke was leaning up against the counter when Bellamy walked up to her, "Finally some alone time," he whispered so only she could year.

Clarke gave him a smile, "I missed you," she said.

"You just saw me," he replied back with a smirk.

"I miss your arms around me though," she said, giving him puppy eyes.

"God you're so beautiful," he said turning his eyes away from her gaze as his cheeks turned pink, once he regained composure he turned his head back to face her, "You can get more of my arms around you later tonight."

Clarke immediately stopped the puppy eyes and broke into the biggest smile, which in return made Bellamy break into an even bigger smile.

"Look Auntie Clarke and Uncle Bellmy are standing under the mistletoe" Jordan said, getting everyone's attention. Clarke and Bellamy's eyes caught each other's in hesitation as everyone's eyes were drawn to them.

It was supposed to be a peck on the lips, but soon hands were added and things started to get heavier. They pulled away hesitantly and looked at each other in realization of what they just did. Bellamy smiled at Clarke's disheveled appearance, her hair messy and lips pink and swollen. Clarke bit back a smile and buried her head in his chest. He wrapped his arms around her as she looked up to him, "What are we gonna do?" she asked.

"Well I think we gotta turn around." he joked causing Clarke to smile.

They turned around hesitantly, Bellamy's arm wrapped protectively around Clarke's waist. They turned to face the crowd of wide eyed people.

"I KNEW IT!" Octavia yelled, throwing her hands up in the air, causing Clarke to bury her face into Bellamy's side once again.

"You- I- " were the only words that came out of Jasper's mouth before he fainted, causing the whole room to erupt with giggles and cheers.

"Now that its out..." Clarke said, slipping out of Bellamy's grasp and over to the Christmas tree for his present, he caught on and ran up to her, blocking her way. "Me first" he said and slipped a black velvet box out of his pocket while he knelt down, he opened it revealing the sliver ring that was covered in diamonds all around, leading up to the largest diamond in the center.

"Princess, from the moment I saw you, I knew it was love at first sight. I tried convincing myself that I wouldn't be good for you and that you deserved better, but eventually you became mine. Just the sound of you laughing makes my day the best day ever. I want to wake up next to you every morning. I want to fall asleep next to you every night. I could go on and on about the things I want to do with you. What I'm trying to say is, Clarke Griffin, will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?"

Clarke dropped the box she was holding, her hands fell over her mouth as tears dripped down her face, she knelt down and kissed him, "Yes! Yes! A thousand times yes!" she said in between kisses as he slipped the ring onto her finger.

They looked around and most of the room was in tears, "So, what did you want to give me?"

"Oh right!" she said as she picked up the black box, tied with a red ribbon and handed it to him, "Open it." she said with a nervous smile, causing Bellamy to kiss her one last time before opening the box. 

When he opened the box, his jaw dropped and his eyes shot back up to Clarke's. In the box laid a white pregnancy test with the words 'positive' written on it. "Is this- is this real?" he asked in shock, his voice cracking as tears built up in his eyes.

Clarke was already crying, she just nodded her head. "I'm- I'm gonna be a dad- Your gonna be a mom- I'm having a kid with you- With the love of my life-" he said as he picked her up and spun her around, he placed her down, giving her a passionate kiss before finally breaking away. 

Once again the room erupted with cheers and Jasper finally regained consciousness, jumping up back onto his feet, "I'm back! What did I miss!" Clarke held up her hand, showing him the ring and Bellamy held up the pregnancy test.

"BELLARKE!" were the last words he said, right before he fainted again.


this was fun to write. hope you enjoyed it :)

- B

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2020 ⏰

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