Summer Break

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Hey heads up, this isn't my story. I found it on fan in a story called 'Bellarke One Shots' by clockwork-fayz. Feel free to go check that story out if u want.

Summer break meant a lot of things. It meant wearing tank tops and athletic shorts. It meant sitting outside and sketching for hours. It meant going to the beach house that they went to every summer for a month.

It meant Bellamy Blake.

Clarke looked forward every summer to seeing the familiar head of curls knocking on the door as soon as they arrived. She looked forward to hours on the beach and sailing until sunset. To eating ice cream on the pier and to going to the amusement park and going on every rollercoaster. To spending endless days of fun with him by her side.

Now that her senior year was over and it seemed like the summers they would spend together were numbered, she was even more anxious to get to her favorite place on earth.

Her best friend Raven was helping her pack.

"What about this?" Raven asked pulling out a dark blue party dress and wiggled her eyebrows.

"Where would I even wear that?" Clarke laughed, "the beach?"

"What if you get invited to a party!" Raven said, "You are going to want to impress your mystery man."

"He's not a mystery man, you're friends on Facebook with him!"

Raven rolled her eyes. "But I haven't met him! Instead every summer I see dozens of pictures of him on instagram and know very little else, making him a mystery." Raven folded the dress neatly into the suitcase. "Now what sandals would go with this?"

"I think the ones with the white straps would look good with it," Clarke relented grabbing her shoes and setting them in with her suitcase, even if she didn't think she would wear them.

"You better bring this bikini," Raven said, pulling her new sky blue one out of the closet, "You look so hot in it, Bellamy won't know what hit him." 

Clarke bit her lip as she looked at it. She did want to impress Bellamy. She always had a little crush on him, but it wasn't until a couple of summers ago and he had shot up a half foot and all of his training for soccer became very obvious that Clarke had realized how badly she wanted to impress him.

"Yeah ok, I'll wear it."

Raven grinned in victory. "You better come back with a boyfriend."

. . . . .

Everything seemed to be right in the world as she stepped into the beach house. She was back in her element, where she wish she could spend everyday of the year.

Now she was just waiting for the familiar knock.

As she was unpacking one came on the door.

She ran to the front door, excited to see the boy on her mind.

But there were no familiar curls when she opened the door.

Instead stood Octavia, Bellamy's little sister.

"Clarke! you're finally back!" the girl exclaimed, stepping in to envelope Clarke in a hug. Clarke tried to hide the disappointment on her face.

"Octavia! It's so good to see you!"

Octavia pulled away. "I'm so glad that you're here, There's a party tonight on the beach and I need a wing woman."

Clarke raised her eyebrows. "Oh really? what about Lincoln?"

Octavia waved it off, even if there was a hint of pain in her expression. "He's gone, apparently dating someone still in high school while in college was too hard for him."

𝒑𝒐𝒔𝒔𝒊𝒃𝒊𝒍𝒊𝒕𝒊𝒆𝒔. bellarke (𝐎𝐍 𝐇𝐎𝐋𝐃)Where stories live. Discover now