First Step

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As you stood there, not knowing what to say or do, the girls were saddened. They knew your background, but the reality of it hadn't settled in yet until now.

Clearing your throat, you tried again.

"I'll listen to K-Pop when I, er, have the chance. Now if you'll excuse me..."

Thoroughly embarrassed, you walked out of the tent to avoid any more slip-ups.

"(Y/N) wait!"

Seulgi rushed after you.

Outside the tent, you were preparing to run when Seulgi grabbed a hold of your arm.

"(Y/N), talk to me. Are you ok?"

"What do you think?"

"No, but-"

"I just fucked up in front of people I don't even know."

"What do you mean 'fucked up?'"

"I-I don't know Seul. I just feel like I've done something wrong."

"(Y/N), you did nothing wrong. We're here for you so don't feel like we're gonna abandon you because of this. Alright? Come on, I promise these girls are a lot of fun."

Even more shameful of the scene you just caused, you nodded and walked back with Seulgi.

Entering the tent, you walked in refusing to make contact with the other girls.

Seulgi quietly explained to them what was going on.

Silent, you waited for a response from anyone.

"(Y/N). (Y/N)."

You raise your head to find Irene on one knee. She motioned for you to join her. As you do, she pulled you into a tight hug and whispered into your ear, "I know all of this is sudden and awkward. But I promise, whatever it is you need, we'll do our best to fulfill it. Any friend of Seulgi is a friend of ours, and from the looks of it you clearly need a pick me up. We are here for you. I can promise you that."

You return the hug and whisper a fragile thank you in response. The words weren't necessary, but they were very much needed. When you lost pretty much everything, you felt like no one was there. Your parents and your friend were all you had. You didn't bother to make any friends because you weren't very social. But now, all that would change. The power of words is often unrecognized. (I mean that both ways, words can bring someone up just as much as they can bring someone down.)

As you and Irene release each other, you both stand up and turn to Red Velvet.

"So, uh...what now?"

"Small talk?"

"I guess..."

All of you make your way to the couch and sit down.

Irene opens up conversation and asks you a question.

"Before all of this happened, what were your dreams?"

"I mean, I've always wanted to become a professional footballer."

"That's cool. Do you play for your school?"

"Nah, I'm not popular enough."

Wendy decided to speak up.

"What do you mean?"

"At my school, all the sports are based off popularity. No matter how athletic you are. If you're friends with the 'right' people, you get a spot on the team. Which is why we're languishing near the bottom every year."

Accidents aren't always a bad thing (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now