Death is my Soulmate

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Chapter One

Where is the night

The night I have longed for

As the stars are in the sky surrounding me

Blinding me

Death,they say is a sad fate

One to cry and mourn for

But me, I embrace death

Hold him in my arms

I let death love me

 As I have loved him

We together are free.

I was a young girl when I met him sixteen, in the prime of my age, I was a weird child often looking for trouble with wild red hair and deep green eyes I had the wild nature of the fey. This is my story the story of the how I fell in love with Death. 

It was a beautiful night and I loved it, the wind smelled of wet dirt and falling leaves, the moon was a high waning crescent shining its light directly down on me, where I stood at the gate of the graveyard. I loved it here, I came here whenever my heart began to hurt or the beatings became too much, it was a beautiful calm place. Sighing I moved my tangled red hair from my face as I breathed in the moist air. I walked further into the graveyard tell I came upon my favorite grave written across it in bold letter was Lily lee Treson 1890-1906 She died at sixteen, my age.  I sat down beside her as I pulled the black rose from my pocket and set it gently on her grave then i began to sing, " What is it with my heart that i see, falling down and trying not to breath won't death come and hold me tight, won't death come and be my knight, wish i could stop these tears, flowing from my eyes confirming my worst fears, life goes on day by day yet somehow I manage to stay awake. " Sighing as my voice faded,I stared down at my feet wondering if I truly wanted to get up. But I did and as I started to wander I felt tears fall from my pale cheeks as I glanced around the graveyard. 

"Why are you crying?" I turned quickly almost falling so surprised by the voice that I about lost my balance only to be steadied by a strong tanned hand. Looking up I couldn't help  but gawk in front of me was a tall man with tan skin and stormy eyes he was only complemented by the mess of black hair that fell unevenly into his eyes. I was so shocked by another person being present in what I had begun to consider my graveyard that for a moment I forgot to speak. 

"It's none of your business!" I finally snapped, annoyed that this stranger had ruined my peaceful walk about the graveyard. The stranger simply raised his eyebrows at me his eyes almost curious.

"Please tell me?" 

I gaped at him so shocked by the stranger saying please that the truth flew from my open mouth, "I want to die already." I didn't even look at his face as I continued. "I don't want to go home just to have Dad beat me and everyone else pretends they care. I want to rest finally, but for some damn reason Death just won't come for me!" The stranger looked at me curiously, his stormy eyes blinking between grays greens and blues, they were almost mesmerizing. 

"Well what's your name?" I blinked that wasn't the response I was expecting, so I just stood there completely confused as I started at the male,who was now nervously running his hands through his hair. 

"U-uum my name is Sophiel." I whispered averting my eyes from the handsome mans gaze. "Why?" 

He grinned at me revealing straight white teeth. "Because Sophiel maybe Death hasn't come because you're not on his list yet." I stared at him blankly before registering what he said.

"Maybe he should put me there, what's your name anyway?" I muttered scowling at the dirt beneath my bare toes. 

"I'm Ankou." He said, I could hear the amusement in his voice and I tried not to scowl at the sound of it. "And you know you shouldn't be so eager to die, your only sixteen you haven't even lived half your life yet." MY head snapped up and I stared straight into Ankous know violet eyes.

"When did i mention my age?" I hissed glaring at the mysterious man before me, annoyed that he had gotten me to answer some of the most private questions honestly, and even more annoyed that my body felt and undeniable attraction towards him. 

"Oops." He grinned and I couldn't help but scowl at the way his teeth gleamed so perfectly in the sunlight. 

"Who are you?" I had to know because despite him knowing about me and probably being a psychopathic rapist or something I didn't feel afraid of him in face I felt completely at ease in his presence, like it was the most natural thing in the world.

"I am Death." He grinned at me and bowed. Then before I could say even a single word he disappeared the spot where he had been sitting in front of me not moments before barren and cold. I walked home in a daze after that my mind reeling at what I just saw. Could really have been death? Or was he just messing with a fucked up girls head? Sighing I looked up and started to pay attention to my surroundings I was just a block from home. I ran my hands through my hair nervously as I kept walking till I could see my house, I felt my breath catch in my throat as I saw the lights on in my living room. Meaning my Dad was awake meaning that he knew I had been out. I could feel my breath itch in my throat as I slowly walked up my driving pausing at the door dreading what was awaiting me inside. But in the end I didn't even have a chance to prepare as my Dad opened the door and smiled menacingly at me.

"Well, well, look whose finally decided to come, Daddies precious whore." He spit at the last part his saliva landing in my red curls. I just kept my eyes lowered as replied to him my entire body shaking in fear.

"I'm sorry Dad I was out for a walk and didn't realize how late it had become." My voice sounded false even though only part of what I had said was a lie, I had known how late it was I just didn't want to return home, I wanted to stay in that graveyard forever, plus walking home had taken longer then usual as my mind was full of Ankou and whether or not he was being honest when he said that he was death.

"Come in Sophiel." I looked up again fear coloring my features as my Dad stepped aside to allow me access into the house he had a deadly look in his eyes and I could feel my own fear radiate down my spine as I stepped into the house. I risked glancing up one more time as I heard the door squeak closed and my dad turned to face me. "Your dead you fucking whore!" His scream pierced my ears and I winced, trying not to step back but failing. He sneered as he stepped closer to me, " you little coward, afraid of your old father? Well I will teach you to be afraid!" I closed my eyes as the familiar feeling of fist and boots assaulted my body causing me to fall to the ground in pain, then I felt it the sides of a bat as it hit me again and again. I couldn't help it I screamed the bat was concrete filled metal and with each hit I could hear my own bones cracking even above my own screams, my entire body was dripping in blood by the time he stopped and I opened my eyes to see a look of leisure as my father pointed a gun at my stomach, I heard more than felt the shot go off as the bullet sank into my stomach I could feel myself lose consciousness, right before I  blacked out I saw Ankou appear behind my father, his eyes were red a pure red of anger and hatred. Then everything went black.

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