Chapter Four

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Belladonna sings

Churchbells Ring

Poison doth lie within

But Beauty does cover sin

Sing belladonna


It tooke me three whole days just to be able to stand up without falling over from the extra weight of my wings. It cracked Ankou up of course, he thought it was hilarious that I could barely stand.

"Why is it so funny Ankou?" I finally asked him annoyed that he was still laughing at me,

"It just is, you know its going to be a pretty interesting few weeks once you get your grip with those wings, so you might as well laugh now too, while you still have the energy too." Ankou's good humor left his eyes and he took a tone of seriousness causing me to frown heavly at him.

"What do you mean?" I stared at hime confused if I had indeed heard him right."What will be happening then?" Sighing he shuffled his feet and looked to the cieling shoveling berries down his throat, though now that I thought of it I hardly ever say Ankou not eating anything. Cherry was always bringing him in some sort of food, and it amazed me he managed to stay so small the way he ate.

"Well you see," Swallowing loudly he smacked his lips and licked his fingers as he turned thughtfully towards me, "As a new member of the mystical society the Queen and King will give you a test. Sometimes a serious of test, if they deem you important they might even send you on a quest. Quests are very important and if you fail you die, but hardly anyone gets a quest so I doubt you have anything to worry about!"

"Gee, thanks." I muttered rolling my eyes at him. But not really paying attention after that. No body had mentioned a test to me, hell I didnt ask for the whole angel of death thing did I?  What if I failed the test? I didn't want to have to go back to my old life. Mind you he wasn't always so bad but still, every since he started drinking she had learned to hate her father passionatly for the things he did to her. 

"Earth to Sophiel!" Snapping his fingers in front of my face Ankou grinned when I jumped.

"What!" I snapped annoyed at my thoughts being interrupted, it was hard to be shy with Ankou anymore after a few days of him I felt like I had known him forever and whatever little bit of crush on him I had slowly went away as our friendship grew.

"Cherry has a note from the queen!!" He grinned cheerily but I felt a sickness in my stomach.

"I thought I wouldn't be hearing from her till I could walk better." He just shrugged and motioned for me to follow him, sdoing so I nawed at my lips and imagined the worst but when we arrived-through the coolest freaking portal ever might I add- I found myself less scared and more in awe. The room that we walked into was high paved with marbles and stones I could swear were green diamonds. It was surreal it made the room glow. 

"Come forward child." A soft melodic voice rose and I gaped looking at who I knew could be none other then the queen. She seemed like silk almost transparent but flowy I couldn't even think of the words to explain it, and then besides her a similiar man. "You know why I have summond you?" Her melodic voice snapped me out of my thoughts and I stumbled forward ungracefuly curtsieing.

"No you'r highness Ankou sucks at explaining things." The joke slipped out and I winced back expecting reprecosions but was surprised with a warm laugh.

"Well Sophiel," Her voice was sweet but demanding as she spoke to me," As a new member of any magical kingdom you must undergo a test of citizen ship. However as Ankou was the one to change you, your quest will be given to you by non other than the head of the Reapers himself. King Shah-kum' (northern pomo name meaning darkness)." I stared up in aazment as the king of the reapers walked out he was just as amazing as the queen but in a differnent darker way, his skin was warm toned and his eyes a brown I ffound myself mesmerized by the defined muscles of his chest and instantly mentally kicked myself for checking the Grim fucking Repaer out the real one the head one the oh shit. I just stared there like a fool for  few minutesd before I once again attempted a nother clumsy curtsie holding the edges of my black skirt and trying not to fall to the floor at the weight of my wings.

"Rise Sophiel," I did as I was told amazed by the kindness in the voice. " I have a quest for you, and on this quest you will have three tasks, you will get me the silver wing of a harpy, the sapphire eyes of a baskilask, and you will then find the stone tablet of Lilith. All of these things are needed to bring back up a shield that is rapidly weakiening around my kingdom, if the shield breaks not only will all the good kind souls loose there rest but the evil souls will run out to wreck havic, you can choose two companions for this trip anyone at all under my power choose wisely." I looked at him chewing on my lip again regersting what he said. Looking at him I could see he did not look very old but he did look powerful and his eyes showed wisdom but kindness, chewing on my lip harder I nodded knowing my choice.

"I choose Ankou to go with me of course and I choose.. " I hesitated before I said it wondering if it was to bold of a move, but swalloing my nervouseness I stood up straighter and looked him in the eye, " and I choos King Shah-kum'" Gasps through around the room as the people whispered.

"Child!" The Queen boomed but the King of Death simply raised his hand at her and smiled at me, " Wise choice. You wil be ready to leave at dawn."" Nodding Iturned to leave not even bothering to wait for him to dismiss me, did I really just choose the King of Death as my companion because I thought he was hot?

"You think he is hot." Ankous was laughing as he caught up to me. "In all my years." He started laughing.

"Shut up Ankou," Sighing I rationalized withmyself and outwardly with Ankou," He is a king right? So he must be powerful, power equals less chance of death." Wincing at how stupid and conterdictory it sounding and glaring as Ankou laughed once again I walked, or stumbled I guess to my room beating myself up. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2013 ⏰

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