Chapter Four

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Our taxi pulls to a stop on the main street from Geko's just as cars trail the street. The whole street is packed as people get in and out of clubs and restaurants established in the area. It's Saturday night and people are dressed in a suit ready to wear the night out. We walk into Geko as the sound of Tory Lanez bursts through the air and we proceed to the bar to get drinks.

'Negroni?' Nora asks, she muscles in at the bar.

'Yes.' I answer casting my eyes around to look for any familiar face.

'Sure.' I hear Vivian say as she walks into my peripheral. 'I'll go find us a spot.'

'Okay.' I say and watch as she dances her way through a few people to a free table. Her short, Canadian tuxedo, jumpsuit hugging her curves perfectly as she rocks forward in nude thigh-high boots.

Nora orders a pitcher of Negroni and we sashay through the crowd to the free table Vivian sat waiting for us. We each fill our glass with drinks and dive straight into party mode and conversations. The place is packed but not enough to set the place rolling but as people start pulling into the bar, the music gets louder and louder.

'Yo, check out who just walked in?' Nora swerves, making Vivian and I look towards the entrance at the arrival of Sarah and James. Sarah clutched unto the arms of a brawny man twice her size, smiling from ear to ear while James scrabbles behind her.

'Did you know they were coming here?' I ask Nora.

'Not at all.' She answers.

'Who's the bouncer?' Vivian quips dryly.

'No idea.' Nora and I say in unison as I take a sip of my drink.

'She kinda looks like a bag of skittles cocooned to a sack of potatoes.' Nora says looking across the room like she's examining a befuddled specimen.

I choke.

I'm coughing and spluttering all over the place. 'Shit Jo.' Vivian laughs and hands me a napkin from the table. I grab the napkin wiping my mouth desperately. 'Are you okay?'

'Hmm.' I manage to try to right myself. Nora will surely give me a heart attack someday with all her crazy remarks.

'Oh wow, hey girls.'

I look up to see Sarah just as she dances into our group with James marching behind her.

'Hi Sarah, James.' I say disporting my most welcoming smile.

'It's good to see you guys here.' She says smiling at Vivian.

'Likewise.' Vivian says. 'Oh, love the dress.'

'Thank you, Vivian.' Sarah's smile gets wider as she twirls in her black Jersey dress. Nora snorts and takes a sip from her glass. Not bothering to acknowledge the presence of Sarah in our midst. Both of them have a history you see, a history in which Nora delivers Sarah with a tooth shaking slap to the face.

It happened about six months ago when Sarah accused Nora of being with her man. It turns out that Sarah's crush was attracted to Nora and Sarah got mad about it and rather decided to accuse Nora of flirting with her man, someone Nora didn't even know. Hence, Sarah almost getting her tooth knocked out. The matter was resolved but Sarah still has a cold shoulder anytime she sees Nora. It's hard to forget because it made her book an appointment to see the dentist.

'Hi, I'm James.' James appears from behind Sarah shaking hands with Vivian.

'Hi, James. Nice to meet you. I'm Vivian.'

'My pleasure, You girls look amazing tonight.' James croons, waving his hand in all our directions.

'Thank you, James.' Vivian says.

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