Chapter Six

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I'm wide awake and my alarm hasn't even gone off yet. I lay staring at the ceiling above my bed, consumed with the dream that got me wide awake. Fantasies about blue eyes and strong arms kept me up for a solid hour. I drag myself out of bed on a long, drawn-out stretch and head for the bathroom.

It's going to be a long day at work and I may just get it started right now. I have an eight o'clock appointment with Mrs. Watson at Watson's beach house, of which I have to get to work before then. The Watsons are owners of some of the biggest estates and properties in Los Angeles - and this is their second beach house in one year.

I stare at myself in the mirror above the sink, my breath heaves as I run my hands through my hair calming myself. I hardly had enough sleep and I shut my eyes in an attempt to block out the reason why. I made up my mind to speak to Desmond today about the hotel project, under the current circumstances, turning down the project is more likely an option than trying to fight my willpower over Oliver. As much as I want that project, I'm certain I will fail on any attempt to act immune to any of his wits and charm and there's not a bloody chance my adept professionalism would matter then.

Taking a quick shower, I wrap myself up in a towel and ramble back to my bedroom to get ready for work. I sit across the mirror in my room with my hairdryer and do the best I can to dry and style my hair as quickly as possible. I scrape my hair into an up-do, setting my hairpins in place, and fix my makeup on. Lastly, I put on my knee-length, cherry red pencil dress, and suede black heels.

Checking my work case for all I'll need at work, I flip through the files and folders, noting my only red folder is missing. My portfolio. It was in here yesterday, I had it with me until... Oh No! The last time I had it was at the hotel when I had my meeting with Oliver. I forgot to grab it when I practically ran out of there yesterday. Double crap. I'll have to find a way to get it back without having to see him again. If that's even possible. I grab my bag leaving for the living room and find my keys where I left them yesterday, on the kitchen counter.

After a progressive meeting with Mrs. Watson and stopping by at Mr. Anderson's to drop off sample materials, I'm back at the office listening to Sarah and Laura, a colleague, moan about their recent escapades. Something about their epic adventure at the spa a month ago.

James breezes in from the restroom with a huge grin on his face, a look I haven't seen in a long time.
'Morning darling.' He air kisses me and turns to shoo Laura off his desk.

'Morning James.' I greet brightly.

'I've had the most stressful morning. For the thousandth time, I've had to listen to Mrs. Cooper cancel yet another order and reschedule a new meeting for this morning, obliterating weeks of progress.' He waves an arm in the air in frustration, gathering his folders into his bag. 'It's a good thing I've got a lunch date later this afternoon or I'll be in the depth of despair.'

Nora walks into the office carrying a Starbucks paper bags. 'Morning ladies.' She air kisses James as he finishes his packing. 'Good morning?' She asks him.

'Hopefully, darling.' He grabs his bag and pulls his phone out of his pocket. 'I'll see you, girls, later.' He addresses all four of us, Sarah and Laura included, and heads out of the office.

'Whoa!' Nora exclaims, staring down at me as she drops a paper bag on my desk. 'Is that the "knock em dead" dress from Zoe's.'

'Thank you.' I pull the paper bag towards me, looking down at my red, structured, figure-hugging dress feeling giddy with myself. It's my new if-all-else-fails dress, I feel nice in it. 'You like?'

'Uhh, Yeah. What's the occasion?' She asks, scurrying forward on my desk.

'What do you mean?'

'I've practically begged you to wear this dress all month, Jo.' She rolls her eyes. 'What gives?'

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