chapter four

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     "I didn't know girls like you watched Beavis and Butthead," Shawn teased as he grabbed a slice of cheese pizza and laid back on the couch in front of the TV. He and I decided to reward our hard work on the project with pizza, coca-cola, and cartoons. I playfully gasped in indignation.

     "And what kind of girl am I?" I said as I took a bite of my pizza slice and sat down on the couch next to him.

     Shawn opened another can of coca-cola and took a sip. "You know what I mean."

     "Oh I really don't," I muffled with a mouth full of burning hot cheese pizza. Shawn smiled at me while I struggled to speak with the pizza in my mouth.

     "Mary Jane, you're one of those smart girls who gets straight A's, who all the teachers love. You're like a Topanga 2.0," he complained. "Ouch! Hot pizza! Hot pizza!" He shouted trying to cool the food in his mouth down by breathing in and out rapidly. I covered my mouth trying to contain my laughter.

     Shawn's eyes were glued to me as I took a large gulp of coca-cola and wiped my mouth after.  "There's more to me than that."

     "Yeah like what?"

     "For starters," I began before my words were cut off by a thunderous burp that erupted from my mouth. His eyes widened in amazement and his lips bent in the shape of a small smile.

     "Okay, I stand corrected," he grinned in amusement. The burp was not intentional but since he seemed impressed, I decided to not finish my sentence. Instead, Shawn and I watched Beavis and Butthead for hours, but the time seemed to fly by like nothing. Those hours consisted of jokes, laughter, playful insults, and burping competitions. I couldn't have imagined a better way to spend my time. Hanging out with Shawn, and getting to know him was perhaps the most fun I had had since moving to Philly.

For the first time, I felt like I could let my guard down and act like a normal fifteen year-old. Spending a few hours with him helped me come out of my shell, and I could tell that he noticed my change in demeanor. "Is this what being rich is like? Coming home to a mansion, eating expensive pizza, on a fancy couch?" He asked as he looked around the living room.

      "Maybe for others, but not for me. If my mom knew you were over, that we were eating junk food for dinner on her expensive leather couch, she would kill me; bring me back to life, and then kill me again."

     "So you're breaking the rules?" Shawn smirked, raising an eyebrow in suspicion. I nodded slowly and covered my face in embarrassment.

     "I'm breaking every rule in the book, Shawn. No boys allowed in the house when my mom isn't home, no junk food on school nights, no eating in the living room..."

   Shawn turned his knees to face me. "Sounds like you've got a case of the crazy parent,"

     "Tell me about it," I said rolling my eyes. "What about your parents? What are they like?"

     "Uhhh my parents are chill. They're the chillest parents on the planet," he mentioned nonchalantly as he avoided eye contact.

     "Well aren't you lucky, my parents-

     "Whoa, you have the New Kids on the Block album on CD?!" Shawn gasped as he ran over to the album on the TV stand next to the CD player, as if he were a teenage fangirl. I smiled to myself at his child-like enthusiasm.

     I smirked, walking over to him and placing my hands on my hips. "You listen to New Kids on the Block?" Shawn scoffed and put the CD in the CD player. He ignored my question, turned on the CD player, and raised the volume to maximum level.

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