chapter eleven

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     On the next day, I found it difficult to comprehend everything that had happened the night before. It all felt like a dream that was too good to be true or like a sappy chapter from a corny teenage romance novel. Despite the surreality of my night, I knew everything was real when Shawn walked me to my first period and planted a small kiss on my right cheek.

     Throughout the day, I noticed that Topanga appeared disheartened. She didn't seem as bubbly and chirpy as she normally was. I figured she was upset due to the precariousness of her relationship with Cory, but I had my doubts. I accompanied Topanga at her locker in between third and fourth period. She took out a little pink purse from her locker and placed it in her book bag. "You're on your period?" I asked her. Topanga looked at me and nodded slowly in response with a noticeable frown. 

     "Yes, I just got it. I knew it was coming when I cried over the lasagna I spilled on the floor last night," she groaned. I chuckled at her reply because I could totally relate. My mood swings were always so intense during my period. "My sugar cravings are through the roof! I feel like I can eat a whole tub of mint chocolate chip ice cream from Emilio's."

     "Is that an ice cream shop?"

     "Yeah, it's super popular! It's in downtown Philly and the shop is really cute. It's a bit pricey though, but you should definitely check it out," Topanga recommended as she put on her backpack and closed her locker.

     "Do you wanna go after school?" Her eyes lit up and she smiled widely.

     "I'd love to, but I don't think I have enough money to splurge on some gourmet ice cream,"

    "No worries," I told her as I shook my head. "I'll pay for the both of us."

     "No, I couldn't let you do that. Emilio's is expensive!"

     "It's not a problem for me," I reassured her. "Besides, I think we've been around way too much testosterone this past week. We are due for some girl time and some sweets."

     "Speaking of testosterone..." she trailed as Shawn and Cory waltzed over to us. Cory appeared to be very nervous and uncomfortable around Topanga; he barely made eye contact with her. Likewise, Topanga avoided looking in his direction. 

     "Cory and I are going to watch Godzilla at his place after school today. Do you guys wanna come? I'm making the popcorn. It's delicious! I use this salty yellow sauce," Shawn said cheerfully. Topanga and I looked at each other weirdly.

     "You mean butter?" She questioned with one hand on her hip.

     "That's what you think," Shawn remarked with a smirk. "It's a Hunter family recipe. It's been in my family for generations."

     "As appetizing as that sounds," I began with a pinch of sarcasm in my voice. "Topanga and I are hanging out after school. We're getting ice cream at Emilio's."

     "Emilio's?" Cory gasped. "Shawn, I didn't realize we had members of the bourgeoisie among us," he whispered to Shawn.

     "Cory, I didn't know you spoke Spanish. Good for you!" Shawn said in amazement.

      The bell rang for fourth period, signaling that we were all tardy. "Uh oh. Mary Jane, we've gotta go!" Topanga cried before she grabbed my arm, and sped off to our next class.

     "I'll call you tonight, Mary Jane?" Shawn hollered from down the hall. 

     "Yeah!" I shouted right back.

     "Get to class! All of you!" Mr. Feeny's voice roared from the hallway as all of us scrambled to get to our next period. 

             *     *      *

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