chapter nine

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     On Wednesday afternoon, Shawn, Cory, and I were hanging out at Chubbie's after school. Topanga was still avoiding Cory after the homecoming fiasco, so she refused to tag along. Shawn and I sat next to each other while Cory sat across from us. He was also in the middle of telling me and Shawn exactly what happened between him and Topanga on homecoming night. 

     After Shawn had "disappeared", that's when things got heated according to Cory. Apparently, Topanga had gotten jealous of Cory's "smooth moves" and "prince-like charm" that he demonstrated when  dancing with Laura Schwartz from our chemistry class. She wanted to make Cory jealous, so she made out with the guy she was dancing with. The way Cory told the story, of course, was a much more exaggerated and dramatic version that amused both me and Shawn. "That's what happened that night. I tell you Shawn, girls are evil. Stay away if you know what's good for you," Cory warned dramatically. I rolled my eyes in annoyance and Shawn shook his head in response. 

     "Sorry man, no can do," he said as he shrugged. 

     "It was nice knowing you Shawn, thank you for being my best friend. We had a good run."

     "And boys say girls are dramatic?" I scoffed. Suddenly, the gates of hell abruptly opened and Lucifer's bride strutted in with her white Adidas, pink pencil skirt, and white collared shirt. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed Heather Brio skip over to our table.

     "Hi Shawn," she greeted  as she ignored me and Cory. Shawn looked up at her and gave her a small smile and nod of acknowledgement. 

     "Hey Heather," he replied. "What's up?"

     "I wanted to remind you that my sweet sixteen party is tonight at my place. I wanted to know if you're coming," Heather said as she rocked back and forth on her heels. Her long, blonde, silky hair swayed with her. Cory's eyes watched her hair swing back and forth in awe. Underneath the table, my foot somehow found its way to his knee in a very swift and striking motion. Cory winced from the impact and clutched his knee in agonizing pain.


     "I don't know," Shawn said. "I still have to think about it."

     I could tell from Shawn's voice that he didn't want to go, but he didn't want to hurt Heather's feelings either. Honestly, I didn't want him to go. I couldn't stand Heather Brio and I didn't like Shawn hanging out with the popular kids. "Heather, can I talk to you alone?" Shawn asked meekly as he stood up from the booth and gestured for them to talk in the corner. She nodded her head and followed him. 

     "What do you think he's going to talk to her about?" Cory questioned in excitement. 

     "I don't know. Let's try and see if we can listen," I suggested as both of us stopped talking and tried to eavesdrop. 

     "Shawn, I already apologized for the Eric thing. Don't you forgive me?" She said as she placed her hand on Shawn's arm reassuringly. My blood boiled at her textbook flirting tactics. I frowned my face, causing Cory to break the silence.

     "What is she saying?" He questioned loudly.

     "Shut up," I whisper shouted at him. 

     "I forgive you, Heather. I just don't think it's good for us to-

     "But it's my birthday," she interrupted. "I really want you there, Shawn." Heather placed both  her hands on his shoulders for emphasis. They stared at each other for a moment before Shawn finally cracked and nodded his head. 

     "Okay fine," he agreed. A pang of jealousy surged through me. Ever since homecoming night, I had my doubts about Shawn's intentions. It didn't occur to me in the moment, but it was possible that I was just his rebound girl. After Heather had dumped him; he picked me up because I was available and convenient. Watching Shawn succumb to Heather's flirty charm confirmed everything. "I have one condition though," he added.

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