Should Have Been You

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You looked at your crush in tears at being rejected. You've like him for such a long time and he answered you with a simple "no." No. Such a short word, yet it can hurt so much. Your crush looked down at you for a short second before walking off with his friends, who were all laughing at you. You quickly ran the other direction, crying all the way to a the janitors closet. You run inside and close the door behind you. You then went over to the farthest corner and sat there, curled up and crying.

A few seconds later you hear the door creak open, light poring into the closet. You didn't bother to look up, instead you just tried to quiet your sobs. The door closed again and a hand was placed on the top of your head. Looking up you see your closest friend, Ivan, looking at you with a comforting smile.

"What is the matter _____?"

You shake your head and hide your face in your legs again, not bothering to answer the question. You hear Ivan sigh then pull you into a warm hug. You gasp as you feel him nuzzle his face into your hair.

"Why are you being sad ____? Who hurt you?"

You feel yourself cry into his shoulder as you replay what happened in your head. Ivan rubs your back as you continue to cry.

Finally drying up your tears you give a deep breath before telling him what happened. As you spoke, Ivan's expression changed from worried to angry. As you finished, you saw a dark ora coming from him. You were used to this kind of aura so you weren't scared.

"So you want me to do killing, da?"

You shake your head and wave your hands rapidly.

"No! No need to kill him! It's alright, I should have known that he wouldn't like me."

As you said this, you found Ivan checking your entire body with his eyes. He was listening to every word you said, I mean who wouldn't. You are an amazing person! Anyone who doesn't want you doesn't deserve you! Ivan knew this and started to have a strong dislike for your crush.

"You still like him, da?"

You shake your head and frown a bit.

"No. He's not worth it anymore. I can find someone better."

Ivan blushed as you said these words when looking at him. He looked down at his hands before saying a word.


"Yea, what is it Ivan."

He clears his throat and places a hand on your cheek. You felt your cheeks get red at his touch.

"I love you _____. We have been good friends since we were very young, and for some reason my heart couldn't stop racing whenever you were near. I asked France what this feeling was and he said it is called love. So that means I love you."

You were speechless. You didn't know what to do, nor what to say in a situation like this. A very loud pounding came from your chest. You've never felt this way before. It was all new. Not even when you talked to your crush did you have such feelings. Ivan was about to remove his hand from your cheek when you laid your hand on top of it to keep it in place.

Ivan's eyes widened as you leaned closer to his face, your breath touching his lips. Suddenly you feel your lips connect with his. You could have sworn you saw sparks flying when your lips touched but none of that cared as you kissed your true crush. He wrapped an strong arm around you as he deepened the kiss. Suddenly you hear foot steps growing close to the door. You both sperate and listen as the foot steps come closer.

"Big brother~ Where are you~"

Ivan almost went pale at the sound of his sister's voice coming from right outside the door.

"Come on out or I'll find you~"

The door swing open and Natalya stood there looking down at us. She looked from you to Ivan, her expression changing dramatically.

"What are you doing in here with brother?"

You were about to answer her when Ivan took your hand and pushed his way out of the closet, running down the hall. Natalya turned around and kind of made a hiss as the two of you ran away together.



He screamed as both of you ran, hall to hall trying to escape from his sister.

(^J^) kolkolkolkol~

YAY! Did another one for Russia, da! This was kind of based on an awesome one shot I read a few days ago~ Sorry if I accidentally stole something from it.... I dont know if I did, but I did please tell me and I'll change it. THANK YOU FOR READING!!!!

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