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Five minutes before he reached the inner core, Dr. Hibble began his final report. He was sweating profusely now, and it was beginning to become hard to breathe.

"Dr. Hibble here. This is my last report, and I hope it finds the world in good condition... The main materials in the inner core are nickel and iron, and the inner core is solid... The melting point of this layer is 5,200 degrees Celsius, and it is about 1,250 kilometres thick. The density of the core is -12.2 g/cc... The temperature of the core is OHHHHH IT'S TOO HOT OUCH OOH EEE TOO HOT!!!!!!..."

Millions sat in silence, mourning the death of a scientific pioneer.

If you are still reading, thank you for pulling through. I promise my other stories to be more interesting, but I was on a time crunch. See you soon with more content!

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