Mareike and Vamsi aren't the same just like Chamois and Greater Flamingos aren't the same. I would describe Mareike as rage and fire and rebellion while Vamsi is her exact counterpart. It's like they were two sides of the same coin, never facing each other, never meeting one another but overly complementary nonetheless. They both have impacted my life in ways you could not even begin to grasp; they have shown their world of pain and of love; of despair and of salvation, and I have let them in. People say we're a sum of our memories, that every choice we make in life is what leads us to be better; in reality, it was only because of my knowing and getting my heart broken by Mareike that I could better understand that not everyone is like me, that there are other perspectives in life and they are just as important as mine, and that mental diseases are to be more thought about. I like to think I'm a rather understanding person, that I- ultimately- have learned to put myself in everyone's shoes, which is a very good quality to have, but none of that would've been possible if she hadn't been a part of me and if I hadn't been a part of her.Vamsi is also but gone from my life, but the memory of him will live on. You see, his loving character has shown me that people are who they are, and they do the things they do, which is totally fine. I'm not gonna lie and say that I was a loving person, however, Vamsi's love has touched me deeply. You see, people make mistakes, and I would know because I'm people, but that doesn't mean they don't deserve forgiveness. Yes, people do crime but if they are truly deeply regretful and remorseful of what they did, there's no reason why they shouldn't be forgiven whether they had committed a misdemeanour or a first-degree felony. This Indian boy showed me that Earth can be a really good place if we just love better, and from then I've been trying to preach on it.I understand those two bygone relationships just like I do animals, you know. There is a world of animals out there that we have never seen, not to mention those we haven't ever heard of, much like people. We know a lot of ethnicities, a lot of countries, and their languages, their population, but what about those so-called non-important villages in the middle of East-Jesus Nowhere. Think about their languages, and tell me what they are like; those people may have no way of speaking to the world just as much as the world has no way of speaking to them. This is a very important thing here since we won't ever have the chance to know what their ideas are or what they think is beautiful or ugly, because, after all, those people can't speak to us nor can they be spoken to by us.I want you to tell me one thing, though. Imagine there was a school of fish very deep into the ocean, way further than any human could ever get, so now that we've thought of that, my question is: does this school exist or not? Are those individuals from Nowhereland, who can't talk to us, considered people or not? All those questions beg to my mind when I think of the Earth. You know, I lied when I said I was people; no one is people. A person is a person, everyone is unique and singular; you are never going to find someone like that one marvellous ex-boyfriend of yours again, and I will never find another Mareike or another Vamsi for that matter because at the end of the day they're them and we're us. No one is the same, and that is much like animals.I have never seen Moose because I'm from a place they would dare not tread in, but people that have seen them probably have never seen Tamarins. The animals of the world are only known by people who live close to them just like you and I only know people who are close to us. Mareike and Vamsi live in another world; what they do and see are unknown to me and known to them as what I see and do are unknown to them, but known to me. There are innumerable kinds of people in this whole wide world; there are moose-people, there are fox-people, there are jaguar-people and the list goes on and on until it can go no further, however, truth be told their reality is not ours and ours is not theirs; it's only when push comes to shove that we can declare that we live in a good world, and as soon as people understand that not everyone will think like them, or agree with them or even do what is right by their book, Earth will become Heaven. At heart, this wonderful Earth is full of Moose and they're big and loud and they're bellowing for their ideals and lives but I can't hear them but even if I could I still wouldn't be cognizant of them as I have never seen Moose.
Moose-Feet Tall
Storie breviA story about getting to know yourself and understanding the different worlds on Earth