Part 22 - "It Won't Stop"

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Hey guys, here's another update. Hope you like it.💞

The sky was dark and clouds scattered around, closer to the water than usual. It was a dark night, heavy rain and lightning flashing across the sky. They were both deep asleep, holding each other close. They had the satisfaction of being with each other on their faces, making it glow, even in sleep.

***Sana's POV

I felt uneasy, and I woke up to the sound of lightning. I felt a crushing pain in my head, it gradually increased and I felt a weird weight on my head. I sat up on the bed and leaned back on the headboard with my eyes closed, rubbing my temples to massage the headache away.

The sound of rain and lightning hit me 10 times louder and my eyes started to tear up, It was becoming unbearable. I felt frustrated and helpless, just being able to wish it goes away soon. I didn't wake sidharth up as I knew he slept late, and slowly walked to the washroom to get some cold water, to cool down the pain.

I opened the cold side of the tap and continuously splashed some water on my face.   It wasn't helping much so I went under the shower to do the same. I stood there shivering under the cold water but it helped a little making my forehead and temples numb.

***POV ends

Sidharth woke up to the sound of water continuously running. He panicked after not finding sana beside him and heard the shower running. He hurried to the washroom to see sana sitting under the shower, holding her head, mascara smeared all around her eyes from the tears and water. He felt his heart drop and rushed towards her, holding her face and turning it towards him.

Sid - "kya hua" as his heart was beating at an abnormal rate.

She held his hand and hugged him tight

Sana - "it won't stop" as she sobbed, she took a long pause, closing her eyes tightly from the pain and continued "the pain won't stop" as her eyes flooded with tears spreading the mascara onto her cheeks.

He turned the shower off as he didn't want her getting sick on top of what she was already going through. He helped her change and gave her some medicine but she was nowhere close to feeling better. She felt a weird feeling in her stomach and ran towards the toilet bowl to throw up. Kneeling and leaning towards the toilet, holding her stomach from the violent contractions. He held her hair back and watched her vomit, he felt helpless in that situation, he wanted to rid her of any pain but didn't know how to.

The medicine didn't heal her pain but it helped her sleep, with tears still rolling down her cheeks on to the pillow, leaving a wet mark. Sidharth didn't sleep much the whole night but eventually fell asleep early morning.

Sana woke up without a headache and she felt relieved. Remembering last nights pain almost terrified her. She left a kiss on sidharth's forehead before leaving to get some food as she was hungry. She walked out the villa and to the receptionist, and  asked to order something.

She felt that she was looking at her in a weird, yet concerning way.

Sana - "kuch hua, aise kyu dekh re ho ap"

Receptionist- "ma'am ap thik hai"

Sana - "han, muje kya hone, aise kyu pooch re ho"

Receptionist- "wo kal ap ki tabiyat harab ho gayi thi na aur ap bhool gaye the" she blurted without thinking how it would affect her.

Sana - "bhool gayi thi?....kya bhooli thi" she questioned almost panicking.

Receptionist - "wo sir ko...." she stopped when one team member signed her to stop.

She walked away from there digesting the new information. She understood what happened and recalled last night, how sidharth was looking at her and taking care of her. She felt bad for him but was also annoyed that he didn't let her know. The fear of her memories going away brought a great extent of stress on her. It put alot of pressure on her head, making her dizzy. A few flashes appeared in front of her eyes with her vision going away in between, and there they were gone. Her memories slowly going away as she felt dizzy and tried to get a hold on herself.

In a blink of an eye her precious memories faded away. She had no idea what she was doing there and who she was there with. She started walking out towards the beach, still recovering from her unsteady self. She wandered the unfamiliar surroundings trying to piece together what she was doing there. She had a weird feeling like it felt familiar but her brain just wouldn't let her remember.

Sidharth wakes up after having a short nap, with no sign of sana beside him. It was the second time in a row and he was more scared than the last time because she wasn't anywhere in the villa. He hurried outside and asked around, ending at the receptionist, asking if they had seen her.

Receptionist - "she ordered some food but left without taking it"

That was a weird thing for her to do and he thought something happened. He inquired about anything else they knew and they brought up the conversation about her memory loss, telling him that they told her about it when she asked thinking it wouldn't do any harm.

He panicks thinking what she would've gone through. He forgot about what other outcomes it could have brought and thought about how she would be coping with that news, when it was the only thing she feared.

They let him know that she went towards the beach and He rushes outside looking for her, impatiently searching the whole beach. There was no sign of her until his eyes fell on someone sitting alone by the water. He went closer to see that it was sana and he took a breath of relief. Little did he know that it wasn't the sana he was expecting and longing to see.

Guys let me know if I'm stretching it or it's going fine. I'm not really sure how I'll continue with this plot, I'm kinda confused but ur opinion on this part will for sure tell me if I'm going on the right track. So drop ur feedback.💕

Won't Let Goजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें